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53 out of 86 gamers thought this was helpful

I just love this game. I wish I could convince my more casual gaming friends to play- it always seems to be the one that they feel “sort of” excited about, but when I start unpacking the box, I can see their eyes just sort of glaze over.

There’s just so much to keep track of. I love it. If you enjoy games that require you to keep a lot of plates spinning simultaneously, please check this one out. It could use a bit more variety in the event decks, but there are just a ton of different game-play experiences to be had here, playing as different families and with different setups.

I recommend it highly.

Go to the Hanabi page


67 out of 93 gamers thought this was helpful

We had just finished a marathon game of Mage Knight and we were wanting to jump right into another long-ish game, and we (wisely) decided we needed a bit of time in between. We looked at our filler games and nothing was grabbing us, then we noticed the little Hanabi box, wedged between a couple of other games. We had been neglecting to open it. We heard it was a lot of fun, but “Fireworks” isn’t a theme that really gets my gamer juices flowing.

We gave it a shot, and it was just a ton of fun. It’s hard not to cheat. Just really hard. It’s a good game to play if you need to practice your poker face. We laughed a ton, we stressed out a bit… it was great. I recommend it. It plays quick, it’s easy to teach. Good to cleanse the palate a bit between games.

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