We’re having a family reunion this week, so we’ve been playing games whenever we can! Jon and I are brothers, and Greg is our brother-in-law. (you can learn more about us here) The games we’ve played so far: Quarriors, Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, Flash Point: Fire Rescue, Safranito, Pamplona and My Precious Presents.
Let us know what games you’ll be playing this weekend!
Also, don’t forget that we are donating 25% of all gem sales during this month to Art with Heart!
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Happy Holidays and happy gaming!
I played lots of 7 Wonders, Catan, and Zombies. Then I helped one of my kids build her first MTG deck, so we had to play MTG also.
I had a delightful week playing Tannhauser, LotR: The Card Game (beat all 6 expansions), Mansions of Madness, plus many family games like 10 Days in Africa (lots of that), Sequence, Quicksand, Zombie Dice and Deluxe Clue. We finally broke out Incognito and enjoyed it, plus had a heart-pounding game of Flash Point!
Just received Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan. Will most likely try some games of that over the New Year weekend. Rules seem a little confusing, but like always, play to learn, right?
I just completed my 7 Wonders collection with Leaders, Stevie Wonder, Catan and Manekken Pis. The last 3 are expansions you can find in Spielbox magazine. My lovely wife got me a subscription for Christmas. I’ll also be playing some Bottle Imp and Carcassonne.
So far, I’ve gotten in a game of Alhambra with the family, and a game of Eclipse with the gaming group. So far, I’ve got to say that Eclipse is excellent. A review will be forthcoming after another play or two. Happy Holidays, everyone! Be safe and happy!
This holiday weekend I played a fair amount of Magic: The Gathering. My wife and I decided to do boosters in our stockings and draft. We were going to do Shadowmoor/Eventide (me) versus Lorwyn/Morningtide (her), but we could not find either Lorwyn or Morningtide. She opted for six packs of shiny premium Shards of Alara. Pretty fun!
Got to play A lot of Power Grid, Dominion: Intrigue, TTR: Marlkin, TTR: Asia and now probably going to try Caylus tonight.
Got to play a bunch with the in-laws! A ton of Carcassonne, the Battlestar Galactic board game, Citadels, and A Game of Thrones LCG. Hopefully more this week, too!
@ bobb33z3r ~ I’m not ready to put up a review of Hey, That’s My Fish! yet. Only a couple plays so far, but soon. Quick preview: There is a short list of really good games you can get for $12 (Forbidden Island, Bang!, maybe Colossal Arena or some others I’m not thinking of). I’d put this on that list.
The game play is fast and light with a very chess-y feel, at least in 2 player, and kid-friendly, particularly in multiplayer. Highly recommended, but with the $12 version you are not getting much in the way of components.
Okay… I didn’t play exactly what I suspected. I forgot Zooloretto is for my daughter’s birthday in two weeks, so I played Clue: Carnival three times with the kids. I played a couple games of Battleship Galaxies and it was pretty neat (kind of long). I really enjoyed Jaipur. I played 4 games of Battle Line and 2 games of Lost Cities.
So far we’ve played two games of Dixit and two games of Pandemic. I got Pit and Clue to add to my collection. Still hoping to play Dominion and Race for the Galaxy at least, but that might end up happening later in the week. Also, my brother got Power Grid in addition to Pandemic, so I want to try that one as well.
So far, Monopoly, Lord of the Rings: CCG and Settlers. Tomorrow we might rock some Cootie with the kids!
Really want to get Hey That’s My Fish soon!
So far, chess and Hey! That’s My Fish!, which is new to us. I’m impressed with FF’s idea to present this game in a tiny box; it’s an interesting business model and I wish them well, them and Small Box Games, which will hopefully soon get to a FLGS near me…
Thunderstone, Stone Age, Castle Ravenloft, Tide of Iron, Memoir 44, Summoner Wars, Quarriors, Descent Journeys In The Dark and Last Night On Earth, are the games we have already played, then tack on what I’m getting for
X-mas, so it has been and will be a fun weekend
Just playing some commander with the wife. I think she said something about Arkham Horror tonight though
Just got Battleship Galaxies, Mondo, and Ascension expansions. Hope to play those. Will probably play Kingdom Builder, Eminent Domain, and hopefully Homesteaders…
We just got done playing a nice campaign of Warhammer FRP… A disease killed one of the PC’s who just created his new character last week… sweet.!
The kids are getting some Heroscape from Santa, and we’ll be setting up a giant battlefield with several master sets and a few add-ons. That should be a blast.
We’ll also play a few games of Dixit as usual, Flash Point, Fauna, Dark Minions, etc.
It should be a good weekend.
Already played Eminent Domain, 7 Wonders, Airlines Europe, and Race for the Galaxy. Looking forward to more, and I have a RPG PBF I’m playing in too. Lots of fun this weekend even though I’m working on Christmas Eve.
I really want to try out Ticket to Ride Asia. I’m intrigued by the team play aspect.
Since I gave my kids boardgames for presents, it looks like…
Battleship: Galaxies, Zooloretto, Feed the Cat, Kids of Carcassonne, and Jaipur.