User Requested Games
Games added that were user requested are marked below with: {G}
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Upcoming Games
Hawken: Real-Time Card Game
Cryptozoic Entertainment | 2014 Q1
Hobby World | 2014 Q2
Game Developerz
Onion Squire | 2014 Q2

Recently Released
Troubadour Games
The Great Persuader
dV Giochi
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug {stand-alone expansion}
Cryptozoic Entertainment
What the Food?!
Squirmy Beast
Galactic Sneeze
Titans Tacitcs
Imbalanced Games LLC
Heroes of Metro City
3Some Games
King of Clubs
Floodgate Games
Bang! The Dice Game
dV Giochi
{G} – Voluspa: Order of The Gods {expansion}
White Goblin Games
{G} – Viticulture
Stonemaier Games
{G} – Boss Monster
Brotherwise Games

Released before 2013
Mindtwister USA | 2011
dV Giochi
{G} – There’s a Moose in the House
Gamewright | 2004
{G} – Voluspa
Stronghold Games, White Goblin Games

Bang! I know the old version that only has cards.
Good to see Boss Monster and Völuspá on here 😀
A few games on there I will have to review.
I’m gonna need to put in a review for Boss Monster, Bang!, and Bang! Dice really soon. Those are some great games.
Hearing a lot about Scalawag! Would be interesting to check it out.
Yay for Boss Monster. I love this game. I’ll have to review it later.
Hmm… Only one I had heard of before, played, but not owned…. Still, plenty of new games to explore!! 😀
Thanks for adding Scalawag!, Jim! Looking forward to reviewing it!
@ Lozmoid: go to the “games” drop down menu at the top of the page. At the bottom of the menu is a link to request new games to be added to the site.
There’s a form you can use to suggest games now. I don’t have the link at hand, but there was a recent site update about it, so it should be on the front page or toward the top of the older posts.
Hmmm, I don’t own any of these unfortunately. However, it would be great to see:
Risk – Godstorm
War! Age of Imperialism
Sid Meier’s Civilization – The Board Game
Axis & Allies 1914
Then I can add these and review them. Please! Thank you!
Bang! is the only game that I know from this list.
Additions of board games mostly geared more for children or teens.
But I found it interesting Hawken: Real-Time Card Game.