Upcoming Games
Lady Alice
Asmodee, Hurrican Games | 2013 Q1 (February)
Room 25
Asmodee, Asterion Press, Matagot | 2013 Q1 (February)
Smash Up: Awesome Level 9000
Alderac Entertainment Group | 2013 Q1 (March)
Self-published | 2013 Q4

Recently Released
Mansions of Madness: Call of the Wild {expansion}
Fantasy Flight Games
Panic On Wall Street
Asmodee, Marabunta
Asmodee, Treefrog Games
River Dragons
Asmodee, Matagot
Android: Netrunner – New tutorial video added (by Fantasy Flight Games)
Fantasy Flight Games
The War: Europe 1939-1945
Compass Games

Released Before 2012
The Rivals for Catan
Mayfair Games
The Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness {expansion}
Mayfair Games
The Rivals for Catan: Age of Enlightenment {expansion}
Mayfair Games
Mr. Jack Pocket
Asmodee, Hurrican Games
Zombie State: Diplomacy of the Dead
Game Salute, Zombie State Games

The worst zombie game I’ve ever played in my life:
Zombie State: Diplomacy of the Dead
Without strategy, with strange rules and the best thing of the game is to build walls. Horrible.
Yay, the first game I added 6-months ago was added this week! (simple pleasures 🙂 )
I am most looking forward to the Catan set and Smash Up. I am also very interested in River Dragons for my son. Was pretty tempted last night. He may get it for his upcoming birthday.
I played the original two player Catan card game a lot, but I didn’t know they created a new version. Thanks for pointing it out! I should check it out.
Lady Alice and room 25 look very interesting. I will be getting the new Smash-Up factions. I can’t wait to play with my Robot-Killer Plant deck!
I’m also very interested in the new Catan game for two players. Could be something good for the wife and I. I’ll be looking forward to some opinions about that game and the expansions. I wonder if they will release a big box or something with all of them together.
Zombie State is the only one I currently own. Odd that it says Game Salite is the publisher because they didn’t publish the edition I bought back in 2010. Is this an error or has Game Salute become involved with this game as well?
Asmodee has been busy this year. Already following up last year with some good looking games!
These are always my favorite articles even when I don’t own a single one of the games in the update.