Upcoming Games
Agent Hunter
Alderac Entertainment Group | 2013
Space Sheep!
Stronghold Games | 2013 Q4

Recently Released
City of Remnants
Make sure and check out the great how to play video.
Plaid Hat Games
Portal Publishing, Z-Man Games
The Lord of the Rings: Dice Building Game
NECA, WizKids
Kings of Air and Steam
Tasty Minstrel Games

Released Before 2012
Samurai Sword
dV Giochi
Space Empires: Close Encounters {Expansion for Space Empires 4X}
GMT Games
Power Grid: The First Sparks
Rio Grande Games
Z-Man Games
Valley Games Inc.
A Victory Lost
Multi-Man Publishing
Chainsaw Warrior
Games Workshop LTD.
Catalyst Game Labs, FASA
Dark Tower
Milton Bradley
Wizards Quest
Avalon Hill
Starship Troopers
Avalon Hill

@Sir Gamesalot
Thanks for the links; I’ve been wondering whether I could do something more proactive to get games added!
Nice mix of games. Especially the number of older games that I recognize; none from my collection unfortunately. Just a few more left.
Hoping to try out Kings of Air and Steam soon, though.
@ Binderman,
I believe the BoardGaming.com gurus are working very hard to add more games to the site while maintaining pure awesomeness. However, they are likely overwhelmed with a monumental list of games that people requested be added.
To quote a comment posted in The Feedback Zone by Jon, our benevolent site developer, “Thank you for remembering that we’re still in beta. We’ve still got a LOT of fun things planned for the site, but we’re working on a diminishing budget with practically no monetization right now.” So, if you can spare the coin, consider helping the cause by purchasing gems:
That being said, I found the following links in older News posts that will allow users to submit games for addition to the site.
Still waiting for many games and expansions that seem to be taking a long time to come out. Here are but a few.
1- Crimson Hand expansion for Fortune and Glory
2- Treasure Hunters expansion for Fortune and Glory
3- Forbidden Desert (not yet available in my area)
4- Heroes of Normandie
The scary thing is how many of these Yours Truly has never even heard of…
Unfortunately, I don’t own any of these! Good list though.
Is it possible to suggest games for inclusion?
Yes-yes, an update with games that I own! Two even (Jamaica and Space Empires: Close Encounters)!
Man, nice updates! A lot of these are great for the nostalgia associated with playing them as a kid.
+1 for City of Remnants. This is a great game.
Cool! Two games from my collection. And a few new titles with potential. Me happy! 😀
Wow! The most games I’ve added to my list in a long time.
Wow, that’s a nice chunk of older games. Great additions!
Some fantastic games added. Sadly, none that I own. I guess I need to fix that, as City of Remnants caught my eye earlier. I might have to check out Jamaica, too, based on these comments. Space Sheep should be interesting. I saw it on another site recently and it piqued my interest.
City of Remnants is such a great game! Every play has been a blast.
Need to get my copy of the LotR dice game to the table.
I had a friend who had a copy of Starship Troopers. I never got around to trying it, but he said it was a good SF wargame.
Nice to see Wizard’s Quest on the list. I always used to enjoy that. Going to have to break it out sometime and give it another go. Gotta love those orc frenzies.
I have never come across Avalon Hill’s Starship Troopers. Have any of you ever played it? Is it nice? As a _huge_ Heinlein fan I might just embark upon a quest to get my hands on it…
I would love to see Doom : the boardgame come up in the collection , still a fave of mine
If Dark Tower is the game with an electronic tower in the center, I loved that game and have spent years trying to find it again!!
Never expected some of these Classics to make an appearance. Keep up the good work!
Awesome set.
Now you have me wanting to get to work on repairing my Dark Tower motor and finding new lightbulbs for it.
I’m very pleased to see Jamaica added, it’s a wonderful game with a cool rulebook/poster thing going on. Plus, it has a great insert!