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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
225 xp
225 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
1156 xp
1156 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
179 xp
179 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
240 xp
240 xp
About Me
I seem to play a lot of King of Tokyo and Love Letter. They are both great, and, more importantly, my wife likes them a lot. My kids are young, so my quest is to find games that they can play, learn strategies through, and will be still enjoyable for them at later ages. My First Carcassonne, Hisss, Toc Toc Woodman, and Qwirkle are ones they enjoy. To satisfy my interests I've just ordered Power Grid Deluxe, and to build interest among my kids, I've also ordered String Safari.
I’ve tried many different modifications of the game, and always come back to one that requires quick reflexes but doesn’t go overboard in allowing a ton of cards to be played at once.
My favourite version includes these changes:
1) You may play two identical cards at once. They must be the same colour and number. For special cards, a doubling of the effect occurs.
2) If you are fast you can interrupt the regular progression by laying your card down, out of turn, as long as it is identical to the one just played. You must lay the card down before the player whose turn it is gets theirs played.
3) If someone plays a Draw 4, any other player may interject and play theirs on top. The last one played dictates who picks up all of the cards. For example: a player lays a draw 4, and two others play on top. The following player must draw 12 cards.
Try it out!