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Zombicide: Season 2 - Prison Outbreak
As it stands now, I find the rules regarding zombivors, kinda overpowered and also immersion breaking. If you get bit by a zombie you are gonna die right? Instead of just turning into this tank wielding weapon ******
So my house rules goes as follows;
After a player is turned to a zombivor, his days are numbered. He is fighting the virus and trying to keep his will. He is not allowed to leave the map. At the start of every turn the player has to roll a D6. If the result is higher than his current wounds, the player remain in control of his body and mind. if he don’t, he looses control and his character gets replaced by a standard berserker zombie. The player is now out of the game.
Rolling against its wounds makes sense to me in that regard that it gets tougher and tougher to stay in control the more you get hurt. So with this house rule, zombivors are still the tank they are today, but they won’t last forever… you better make the little time you have left count.