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Ghost Stories
One of the hardest game I have ever played. Worth trying to win, but be prepared to loose some times. Unfortunately, the manual is terrible and does not cover all possibilities, but in case of doubt consider what would be the worst… This is probably what the designers of the game would consider as right.
Regarding the characters, you can select one of two different powers, but there are some powers kind of useless. Even though, we can see the designers put a lot of efforts on being loyal to the thematic of each character, in which one can “move more”, while the other can “fight better”.
The way you set up the villages (randomly) will define a lot of the future. When you start bringing ghosts to the table, you might think that you are OK and the game is not as hard as people say, but this feeling will last no more than 3 rounds. The ghosts start to enter the game very fast and it is “easy” to lose control of it. It is impossible to feel relaxed as the pressure will increase, on top of the fact it is quite impossible to define a long term strategy. Even if you have the best strategy for the future, you will probably find yourself changing it as a new encounter will force you to do so.
If you like a REAL challenge, this game is amazing. Worth playing and get to know the mechanic of the game.