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Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Starter Set
I bought the starter set just over a month ago and since then I have been obsessively buying expansion packs. When Fantasy flight released X-wing I was initially skeptical. Like many gamers I am distrustful of games based on a license from tv shows or movies and lets just say that Star Wars hasn’t been living up to its past glories as of late. After hearing so many good reviews and positive remarks made about the game I eventually picked up a copy and I am very glad that I did. I haven’t enjoyed a game this much for a long time. The components are really beautiful and you will hear a lot of people say that this is what sold them on the game, Personally I was looking for a good dog fighting game and having enjoyed wings of war I was looking for something similar. The mechanics are beautiful, Fantasy Flight obviously learned a lot from their time with Wings of War and they did not put a foot wrong. I am having a great time whether I am running rings around X-wings as a Tie Fighter pilot or being cocky as I fly the Millennium Falcon straight into an Imperial squadron. This game has rekindled my love of Star Wars and I can’t say anything more complimentary than that.
I am playing it an awful lot, mostly in work at lunch time where I am currently converting all of my colleagues. We even set up a score board to keep track of how many ships each of us has shot down. Most of the people I work with would not consider themselves gamers but over the last month they have become increasingly rabid fans and have even uncovered some strategies that I had not considered.
I love this game and would highly recommend it to anyone.