With so many stellar games released last year we wanted to see what everyone’s favorites are!
In the comments below please share your top five favorite board games released in 2012.
(note: I say “board games” in the general sense… card games, miniatures games, RPGs, etc. are all welcome!)
Not in any particular order, but these are ones that were released in 2012 that are among my favorites.
Mice & Mystics
Love Letter
Smash Up
Star Wars X-Wing
Agents of SMERSH
It’s hard when so many of the games we played this year were new from 2011. Here’s my top recent games as discovered this year.
Eclipse (2011)
Castles of Burgundy (2011)
Fleet (2012)
King of Tokyo (2011)
Las Vegas (2012)
Hawaii (2011)
This site!
Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2ed)
I’m surprised to see King of Tokyo up here since it came out in 2011
Mice & Mystics
Smash Up
Those are the 2012 games I own and liked playing, but there’s other games that got new expansions this year that make the grade as well.
Summoner Wars
There’s probably other 2012 games I’ve played and liked, but I’ve got a terrible memory for that sort of thing.
And worse than my memory is the list of 2012 games I’ve bought but have yet to play. I’m looking forward to them though!
1. Mage Knight: The Board Game
2. Lords of Waterdeep
3. Tzolk’in
And for all of you who understands Swedish – here’s my conclusion of 2012:
@Dr. Wildcat – I totally about Trajan. Easily the best game I played this year even if it technically was released in Europe last year. Another one is Village. If you like worker placement games give this one a shot.
1. Smash up
2. Xwing
3. Star trek catan
4. Dungeon!(new edition)
Mage Wars
King of Tokyo
Android Netrunner
Lords of Waterdeep
What a year!
Smash Up!
Roll to the South Pole
Star Trek Catan
Pocket Battles: Macedonians v Persians
Hot Rod Creeps
I never really notice the release year of a game, but as apparently Lords of Waterdeep was released in 2012, it would get my vote. By default (I don’t think I played any other game released in 2012), but also because it is a great game!
1. Terra Mystica
2. Tzolk’in: Der Maya-Kalender
3. Mage Knight Board Game
4. Lords of Waterdeep
5. Ginkgopolis
I loved Lords of Waterdeep, Seasons, and Smash up!
1. Lords of Waterdeep (easily takes title)
2. Legendary
3. 7 Wonders Leaders
4. 7 Wonders Cities
5. Thunderstone Advance
Trajan was going to be my #1 but I guess technically it came out in 2011 but wasn’t available in the States until 2012
I’ll give honorable mentions to a few I think are probably great but I haven’t had the play time with them yet to be sure. Space Cadets, Libertalia, Love Letter, Fleet, and Milestones.
From the new games this year, it would be Zombicide; although Mice and Mystics might take its throne, but I need few more plays to judge.
From the new games I played this year, it would have to be Lord Of The Ring LCG, it provides a deep game experience and can be played solo.
And looking forward, my most anticipated game of the year would be Solforge (digital only).
My gaming wish would be LOTR LCG on iPad; it would streamline deck building and fit so well on a digital format.
1. Mice & Mystics
2. Lords of Waterdeep
3. Flash Point (not sure that it released this year, but my group discovered it this year and boy has it been played.)
4. King of Tokyo!
5. Penny Arcade: Rumble in R’lyeh
My favourite game of 2012 was Lords of Waterdeep. My only regret was waiting so long to purchase it. For months I wrote it of as another dump DnD game from WoTC; boy was I wrong.
Of the games I’ve played, the ones I’ve enjoyed the most are:
Escape: The Curse of the Temple
Lords of Waterdeep
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
The Manhattan Project
Starship Merchants
Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery
City of Horror
Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small
Games from 2012 that I haven’t had a chance to play but really want to:
1989: Dawn of Freedom
DC Comics Deck Building Game
Descent 2nd Edition
Dungeon Command
Love Letter
Mage Wars
Mice and Mystics
Rolling Freight
Space Cadets
Terra Mystica
Quite a year. There were a number of really good expansions as well. Of them Dixit Journey and the Romulan Expansion for Star Trek: Fleet Captains come immediately to mind.
For those that think this was a bad year, exactly what kind of games do you play?
1. Thunderstone Advance
2. Ticket to Ride: India
3. Star Trek Catan (my favorite catan variant other than Cities and Knights)
4. Ticket to Ride: Asia
5. … I think that was all the new games I played this year…
My favorite game of 2012 was definitely Thunderstone Advance! A great deack-builder and a wonderful new edition of Thunderstone.
1.lord of the rings card game
2. star wars card game
3. netrunner card game
4.pathfinder rpg
5.star wars: edge of the empire beta rpg