profile badges

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I Walk the Talk!
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 100 times.
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 100 times.

My First Game Tip
Submit a game tip, strategy, or house rule.
Submit a game tip, strategy, or house rule.

Earn Professor XP to level up by completing Professor Quests!
Earn Professor XP to level up by completing Professor Quests!

Give 100 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Give 100 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Sentinels of the Multiverse
When playing SotM my group always includes The Legacy. Thematically he is the leader of the group. His power really bolster the damage the group is able to deal out.