This weekend I’ll be trying out Safranito and Pamplona – Viva San Fermín! with my family.
I also just discovered an iPad game called Assassin’s Creed Recollection. It’s a “digital” CCG with real-time elements, and it’s very well done! So I’ll be playing that in my spare time! I couldn’t find a website for it, but here is a great trailer for the game.

Assassin’s Creed Recollection
Launch trailer showing an overview of the game, cards and gameplay.

We are in the works of adding digital board games to the site, the trick is creating game pages that cater to them. (ie: showing available platforms, differentiating them from their physical versions, etc.)
Didn`t really get to play any games, but Saturday I spent a day in a friend`s net store, selling games. 🙂
Finally got to play To Court the King last night (I received it in a trade last Christmas). It was fun, but not as interesting as I had hoped.
I’m also participating in two play by forum games at RPG Geek — a Trail of Cthulhu game and a Savage World (Evernight) campaign. Both of those got rolling this week.
I ended up getting to play a TON of Rune Age! That game is just so great. Everyone I teach it to loves it.
Turned out it was Risk 2210, Guillotine, and Dixit. Fun gaming this weekend.
This has been a slow gaming weekend for me. I had a (fairly long) session in the Star Wars RPG campaign that I’m in, but that’s pretty much been it on the gaming front. With the holiday season and its associated busyness (specifically in the realm of preparation for various celebrations) it is difficult to find time where I can sit down with people to play games.
Never got to play Lord of the Rings unfortunately, had too many errands and stuff to do. Hopefully I can get a few games in this week.
I do have my family Christmas party this coming weekend and we do Pollyanna (Yankee Swap) so I’m thinking of getting Pandemic for it 🙂
Heh, I’ll keep that in mind, thanks 🙂
On the flip side, if you ever decide to play again, returning players are always welcome 😉
Heh well if you ever want to buy a nm Black Border Premier set let me know I think i still have one floating around.
Yep, the game’s actually thriving and picking up new players. Decipher turned the game and all the remaining product over to the “Player’s Committee” which was a group of players that volunteered to keep the gaming going. So now they do virtual card releases that are developed and playtested by the PC and still hold tournaments, etc. It’s pretty cool. There’s more info on the website.
Had a good time today, going to run some solo LOTR:LCG tonight
Been playing Risk Legacy with my brother and mom for the past three days (I’m on vaca and visiting home), and will probably do so again tomorrow.
Going to have beat down of my son.
I will be playing a scenario or two of Conflict of Heroes Storms of Steel, and maybe some Alien Frontiers.
@b0bb33z3r: people still play swccg? I have so many of those cards god its been too long.
My plan is to play a little dominion and Race for the galaxy online and maybe get a few random games in with the gf.
Had a fun game of Dice Town today with a bunch of Race For the Galaxy on my computer. Hoping to get in some stuff at the local game store tomorrow.
For the time being, it’ll just have to be lead by example and those of us who enjoy discussion to continue to do so. Others should eventually follow suit. It’s like the reviews, tips and ratings are the grinding, the discussion is the role play. Not as statistically rewarding, but a lot of fun. 😉 Following people certainly helps though since you get alerted on your profile when people you follow are discussing things. I need to bug my friends and family this weekend to register and start playing and contributing, I really could use 5 more follow slots. 🙂
@David Phillips
No joke, I need to get my dad a present tomorrow!
I also purchases the Ascension: Return of the Fallen expansion on the Ipad and have played it a few times today. I really like this implementation of my favorite deck-building game (but it doesn’t quite feel the same as having the cards in your hand).
On that same note, it looks like some great IOS games are coming soon. I am looking forward to Titan, Loot & Scoot (another one by Victory Point Games), as well as Summoner Wars (really dying for that one).
@bobb33z3r: I agree about participation in discussion. I’m accustomed to forums like where there is a lot more back and forth chatter. I really think this is a great site, but I’m not sure how to encourage more discussion, which I think would only improve the site.
I hope to get a lot of gaming in this week-end. I played Battleship Galaxies earlier this week and found that to be a lot of fun. We hope to play a few more scenarios this week-end. Have a date to play Monsterpocalypse on Sunday so my son and I can show the neighbor and his kid how to play. Also, going to a family friend’s house tomorrow, and I’ll bring along Survive: Escape from Atlantis, just in case…
Everone went to sleep early tonight, so I got in two games of “Legion of Darkness” by Victory Point Games (fun little solitaire game) as well as one game of LOTR: the LCG. I lost all three games; not having much luck tonight (but it’s still fun).
yah I agree about the digital games.
I recently bit the bullet and bought the Carcassone app ($10).
It’s a good app although it’s somewhat lacking considering I paid so much.
I got Notre Dame and the Fury of Dracula in the mail this week (thanks Dice Tower Secret Santa!), so I’ll hopefully get one of those to the table. I might even just set up the latter to walk through the game myself.
Going to be playing in a SW:CCG tournament on Saturday and then immerse myself in more Lord of the Rings: LCG on Sunday. Lookin forward to it.
I really love the idea of supporting digital board games and staying current. That the site itself is on a digital medium opens itself up to several possibilities with those types of games, but I hope the site’s main focus still stays with the physical table top games. As always, keep up the fantastic work. The site only gets better with time. (Though I wish more users would participate in discussions, that part of the site seems to be kind of slow going)