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Games Added this week

Posted by renee {Power Gamer} | 9-Dec-11 | 21 comments
Games added to

New Expansions

Thunderstone: Heart of Doom
Alderac Entertainment Group

Last Night on Earth: Hero Pack One
Last Night on Earth: Survival of the Fittest
Flying Frog Productions

BattleLore: Dragons
Fantasy Flight Games

Defenders of the Realm: Hero Expansion #1
Eagle Games

Railways of Europe
Eagle Games

Dixit Odyssey

Added Games


Mord im Arosa


Eagle Games

Railroad Tycoon
Eagle Games

1955: The War of Espionage
APE Games

Rio Grande Games

Comments (21)

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Most of these are new to me.

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Knight-errant Beta 1.0 Tester
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The Big Cheese 2012

@Jon, thanks for the heads up. Clearing cache now.

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Very cool new feature!

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Bugs are what you get when you ask for new fancy features 🙂 The “I Played This!” button should now pop up a date picker, so you now have a two-week window to log your plays. The amount of plays you are allowed to log each day is still limited by your gamer level.

I had to disable the button for a couple hours yesterday while I updated the system.

If you are using Chrome and it’s not working for you, clearing your cache will fix the problem.

Besides showing the # of times you’ve played the game in your profile, the data is aggregated and affects the Popularity score. To see recently played games, you can use the widget on the home page and click on the Played tab and select Week. This is the way it has always been, by the way. The new “I Played This!” button just gives you more flexibility to say when you played the game.

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@ David P

It appears they deactivated it so they could add the ability to pick the date on which you played the game. However, only a day in December is available at this point, and, I’m not sure how to view when you’ve played your games. Nice idea though.

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Knight-errant Beta 1.0 Tester
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The Big Cheese 2012

The “I Played This” Button is no longer functional.

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@whale / bob

No problem! It’s a neat game, which is why I was excited to add it to the system. 🙂 I am curious to see how it plays a few years from now, though.

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@Jason P

I second whatawhale’s thanks, I’m really interested in that game! I just added it to my amazon wish list 🙂

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@Jason P
Thanks for commenting on 1955 I am very curious about that game.

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“You can now add games from 2005-2012!” – Jim

Thanks Jim! I think this will be very good for the usefulness of the site.

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1955 is a neat little game. It has a tug-of-war feel, and is more abstract than similarly themed games like, say, Twilight Struggle. But it’s a fairly quick play and can get pretty tense.

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This site just keeps getting better as it grows in all the right ways. Great stuff. 🙂

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8 Beta 1.0 Tester
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awesome news!! I take it the add games feature is working well!

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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You can now add games from 2005-2012! Thanks for helping us with game info!

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I want to add my voice to Aaron Perkins, we need more of a mix between new and ‘older games’. And by older games, I mean those in the past five years. I still have quite a few games in my collection that aren’t on this site, they aren’t even very old and can still be found in game stores.

So, love the new submission function (and I even used it) but it is too restrictive.

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Still looking for the right mix of wargame and miniature game. Or looking for the “best” rule set for mini’s.
Waiting for the game Sails of Glory to see what that is about. . .and where is the Wings of Glory game?

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We need more than just the latest games!!! I look at most game sites to meet people that are interested in the games I own that aren’t the “Latest” titles. I want to hear other peoples strategies and thoughts. This new game submission is great, but way to restrictive.

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Dice Town is up 🙂

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Any chance of adding Dice Town soon?

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8 Beta 1.0 Tester
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1955: The War of Espionage sounds really intriguing to me. These are all games I haven’t heard about so I’m excited to read up on them and see what other gamers think about them. 🙂

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