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Holiday Game Updates: The Twelfth Day of Christmas

Posted by Jeff W. {Avid Gamer} | 5-Jan-15 | 7 comments

Game Updates on

The traditional Twelve Days of Christmas start on Christmas Day, December 25th, and continue through Twelfth Night, January 5th. This holiday season concludes with Twelfth Night, so take your Christmas decorations down, and eat any parts of the wreath that are edible, per tradition!

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, BGdot gave to me:

Twelve Munchkin versions,
Eleven Essen titles,
Ten decks a-building,
Nine ‘starters Kicking,
Eight games a-warring,
Seven nifty minis,
Six movie tie-ins,



Four CCGs,
Three for the kids,
Two Flying Frogs, and
A new game by Asmodee-eeeeeeeEEEEEEEE!*

On behalf of, we hope you have enjoyed our Holiday Game Updates series! We are looking forward to bringing the users exciting new content and more regular game updates throughout 2015!

* (Note ascension for final verse courtesy HaiKulture.)

User Requested Games

Games added that were user requested are marked below with: {G}
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{G} – Munchkin Adventure Time
Steve Jackson Games, USAopoly | 2014

{G} – Munchkin Axe Cop
Steve Jackson Games | 2011

Munchkin Zombies 2: Armed and Dangerous
Steve Jackson Games | 2011

{G} – Munchkin Quest 2: Looking for Trouble
Steve Jackson Games | 2009

Munchkin Cthulhu 2: Call of Cowthulhu
Steve Jackson Games | 2007

{G} – The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin
Steve Jackson Games | 2007

Super Munchkin 2: The Narrow S Cape
Steve Jackson Games | 2006

{G} – Munchkin 4: The Need for Steed
Steve Jackson Games | 2005

Star Munchkin 2: The Clown Wars
Steve Jackson Games | 2004

Munchkin 3: Clerical Errors
Steve Jackson Games | 2003

Munchkin Fu
Steve Jackson Games | 2003

{G} – Munchkin 2: Unnatural Axe
Steve Jackson Games | 2002

Comments (7)

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I play black
Guardian Angel
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Marquis / Marchioness

It was a brilliant idea Jeff, and I’m just glad I got to take part in it! I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out, and your creativity here was awesome.

@BGdot – I’m glad you all liked this! I now have first-hand knowledge of the herculian effort Jeff has been putting in over the last 6 or so months to get games up on the site. It takes quite a bit for just one game – splitting 78 between us in less than a month was aggressive, to say the least!

And @Hai kind of owes us comments on all these news articles after what seems like 2 weeks of silence! Definitely not the same without you around to chat with.

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Legend of the Five Rings Fan
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Guardian Angel

Thanks to everyone behind the scenes at BGdot for their input into the Twelve Days themes, and especially to AD for tireless work in helping me get the games for the lists online.

And thanks to Hai for her devotion to commenting on each and every one of the Updates today. 😀

Glad y’all seem to have enjoyed them.

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Sentinels of the Multiverse fan
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Whew! It was good to retreat here after all that Essen Cubism! Nothing like the pure distilled 40 proof Ameritrash of Munchkin! Steve J and John K live in the house that [clothing article] of [absurd wordage] and Punster Manual (c) built!

Thanks to @Jeff W’s for an ambitious brainchild and he and @Account Deletion, The BGdot Boys, for working the holiday overtime in shelf stocking. 🙂 🙂 🙂 (And thanks for letting me sing a bit :P) Eggnog all around!

It was a grand ’12 Days of Gaming’ filled with fun and anticipation, laughter and tears, a sky blue shark and a jolly green giant of a GOO cheesecake posing in a Santa hat as he slides out of a sideways chimney.

Oh…and there were cubes…*gulp*…the cubes.

Well time to Shoggoth off to Buffalo – I have hats to glue

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I play blue
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I also picked up Munchkin: Demented Dungeons for Christmas, and I’m excited to try it out! These were all so great, thanks for all your work, Jeff W.!

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I just want you to know how much I enjoyed your 12 days of Christmas! It was so much fun to read! Thank you all for all your hard work!! 😀

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I play blue

Munchkin munchkin munchkin!!!! 😀 😀

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That is a whole lot of Munchkin.

The twelve days of Christmas are over. Kinda bummed now. These were much better than lords a leaping or all of those **** birds.

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