Upcoming Games
Smash Up: Monster Smash
Alderac Entertainment Group | Release Date: 2014 Q3 (09-22-2014)
Pay Dirt
Crash Games | Release Date: 2014 Q4
Hogger Logger
Hogger Logger LLC | Release Date: 2014 Q4
Nauvoo Games | Release Date: 2015 Q2
Space Movers
KnA Games | Release Date: 2015 Q2

Recently Released
Magnum Opus
Game Salute
Siege: Heart of Darkness
Alderac Entertainment Group
Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem
Gale Force Nine
Smash Up: The Big Geeky Box
Alderac Entertainment Group
A Duel Betwixt Us
Game Salute
Say Bye to the Villains
Alderac Entertainment Group
APE Games
Spurs: A Tale in the Old West
Mr. B Games
King’s Forge
Game Salute
Alderac Entertainment Group
Valley of the Kings
Alderac Entertainment Group
Run, Fight or Die!
8th Summit
Run, Fight, or Die! Zombie Horde Expansion
8th Summit
Run, Fight, or Die! 5/6 Player Expansion
8th Summit
Ninja Dice
Greenbrier Games
Paradise Fallen: The Card Game
Crash Games

Special Thanks
We wanted to thank Jeff W. for volunteering his time to help add games to the site. The board game industry is booming, and it’s no small task adding all the awesome games that gamers have been enjoying and/or are looking forward to playing!
Thanks for all the great feedback. We’re listening to all of it, and while we like to support kickstarter games (especially since many kickstarter publishers have been sponsoring us through advertising), like @Account Deletion said, we do want it to just be one facet of the site. The site and its awesome content exists because of all of you, and we really appreciate your loyalty and patience!
I would like to see a MOSTED WANTED game list where we can all vote only once per game we want to be added. The person(s) in charge of updating games can refer to that list.
I know that adding games is a lot of work but I think it would be easier for the person in charge if we could have the possibility to submit a game pedigree when proposing a game. It could be on a standard form so everyone will have fill the same spaces ( nb of player, lenght, age, pubisher info, links…).
I think if you really want to add a game that deserves to make an effort
@ KaiKulture
I like your review of the big geeky box, it made me laugh.
It’s great to see a new games update. Thanks for the hard work @Jeff W!
I look forward to the site opening up Pay Dirt for reviews since I already own a copy of the game.
Firstly, I want to thank @Jeff W for stocking the shelves. I don’t know what goes on in the back end of the BGdot, but it can’t be a lick of paint to create an entry. Blurbs must be written, components listed, screen shot chosen, links for themes/mechanics/designer/site/rules linkaged, a video review or two by somebody who spends most of their time at ‘the other place’ tracked and downed, and then hook it up to the various buttons and discussion boxes for us. That’s a ton of work for one entry and what makes BGdot far prettier and more FLGS than The B-Other. Other places have a ‘staff’ that throws up a skeleton and then an eager swarm fills in the rest (for the good and bad). It takes a bit of effort to stock these shelves and that is kind of the point.
The BGdot has @Jim and a ‘non-staff’ and whenever something new comes around I’m thankful. It is a fun place to stop by during the week.
A few weeks ago talk went around of ways to open the shelves more with ‘open entries’ and I have to admit I made a frowny face. Unlike occasional perfunctory user reviews that can be downgraded and either used as a learning tool or lost in the shuffle, entries are one and done. Attaching quests and xp might lead to a first-come-first-serve arms race and I would hate to see one of my beloved games immortalized by two sentences when I would have preferred to take toes to cement and leave an impression myself (which of course would not be someone else’s bag).
Without assembling a team of vetted High Wax Sealers to work inventory – the only answer is patience. 🙂
I agree with Jay that Star Realms should get put up ASAP. It’s played around the clock at my house right now. As far as Kickstarter goes, established companies are using it as a preorder system, so there are going to be a lot of “Kickstarter Games” on this site regardless of your predilections. I do see several newer AEG games listed, so there are a few tradionally published games on here as well.
My special request would be to get more older games on here. I know the site is to promote gaming…but some of the older games are still in print…and still the best in my humble opinion. Of course, I love new games too. I’d just like to see some more older games get posted.
I don’t mind KS games although I limit my backing of such games. However, I would like to see more of the current releases covered since Essen is just around the corner, and more of the older games listed would also be nice.
Yea, another game update! It’s been awhile. Unfortunately nothing from my collection. I’m with Stratagon on this one, would like to see less kickstarter stuff.
@Jeff Thanks for all your efforts!! Looking forward to regular game updates.
Glad to see new games added, but still nothing from my collection. Oh well.
I’m one of those that would also like to see less Kickstarter games and more retail releases. I’m very surprised that Five Tribes wasn’t included.
@stratagon – I am definitely one of the aggressive Kickstarter users on here, and while I enjoy talking about what I’m backing each week it should be just a small facet of the site. In fact, I had an email exchange with Jim several months ago (I believe it was when we where implementing the FLGS feature) where he expressed a worry that the site was getting too “Kickstarter-y” and that he was looking forward to implementing some new features to get away from that.
I think these game updates where being handled by Andrew L. when they were occurring regularly, so I would guess when they stopped it was due to his being unavailable, and it probably took Jim some time to find a suitable replacement – enter Jeff W!
I know Jim’s got a newborn at home, and I know how your world seems to stop in those first few months. Give it time, and I’m sure Jim will lead us to the light!
Nice, I have been meaning to look into Ninja Dice but kept forgetting. 🙂
Still surprised Star Realms hasn’t made it on here, especially since they just now announced an expansion. This is a sweet little and portable deckbuilder that was designed by a couple of veteran Magic: The Gathering designers. Really solid game!
Congrats! Awesome, the more the merrier!
No Five Tribes?
Oooh, look forward to reviews of King’s Forge!
Glad to see the list getting larger!
“In charge”? Heh, not at all… I just volunteered to contribute after noticing the same sort of thing you had — not enough Game Updates! Folks (such as Jim & Co.) get busy, which I completely understand, so I offered to help out.
@Jeff W. If you are in charge now, then maybe the answer I’m looking for is already in the works. Thanks for your efforts! I did not mean to insult the work you have done.
I am mostly commenting on how Game Updates used to be weekly (bi-weekly?) and they stopped almost completely, but the KS are there EVERY week. A direction I have not enjoyed and wondered if it was me not keeping up with the times or if others agreed.
Well, to be fair, when I volunteered to add games, my starter set was “games I have personally played/purchased recently”. And I’ve only added KS games for projects which have successfully delivered product, not the other ten or so which are as yet just promises and vague email updates. I’m told I’ll have access to the backlog of requested games soon, so I can start adding things more relevant to people who are not me.