User Requested Games
Games added that were user requested are marked below with: {G}
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{G} – Hold Your Breath!
Mayday Games | 2015
{G} – Scoville
Tasty Minstrel Games | 2015
{G} – Sentinels of the Multiverse: Wrath of the Cosmos
Greater Than Games | 2015
{G} – Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Dominion
Fantasy Flight Games | 2014
{G} – Dark Horse: Rebels & Rogues
Knight Works Games | 2014
{G} – Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy
Steve Jackson Games | 2014
{G} – Archon: Glory & Machination
Artipia Games | 2013
{G} – Pirates vs. Dinosaurs
Jolly Roger Games | 2013
{G} – The Capitals
Mercury Games | 2013
{G} – Dark Horse
Knight Works Games | 2012
{G} – Venture
Eagle-Gryphon Games | 2012
Catch Phrase!
Hasbro, Parker Brothers | 2007
{G} – Buccaneer
Queen Games | 2006
{G} – Dutch Blitz
Dutch Blitz Games Company | 2005
Rio Grande Games | 2005

Great batch of games to check out. And hey! I own one! Review forthcoming…
@ Jeff
And that’s why I love this site so much … discover the games I would not have known otherwise.
So keep up your excellent work
@ob1: You know, I’ve come to the inescapable conclusion that there will always be more of every type of media (music, books, movies, boardgames) than I will successfully be able to consume. Researching games for the Updates brings that home in a big way (only ever touched 4 out of the 15 games above) — so I let it inform what I might want to look into in the future. Not every game is going to appeal to every player, but hopefully some will spark interest.
I can’t beleive how much games I missed when on every game update I see that I own any of them ….Perhaps it’s because I am too young (into boardgaming at least)to have seen these games on their release.
I usually keep looking forward, but some of these games may be worth to take a look
@Jeff W The Gnomes of Zurich would like to show their appreciation for being included in this week’s Game Updates. There will be something in the mail for you in acknowledgement of your hard work and hard wiring. (Wait – hard wiring – that’s Hacker a completely different-not-different game.) Don’t spend that stack of tiny orange paper bills in one place!
@Bit: Illuminati is a classic, as it’s been around since 1982 originally (2014 is its most recent printing). It was one of the old Steve Jackson snapcase games that would fit in a large pocket, a bit prone to kingmaking, but still lots of fun to play.
Wow, so many new games added recently! Thanks for all the hard work!
More games! Woo hoo!
Illuminati looks rather amusing. I would enjoy seeing that in action.
Thanks again Jeff!
@Sir G: Guess you reap the benefits of my random-scan of the outstanding requests this week! 😀 Glad to be of service.
@colts: *whistles innocently, points to Game Requests form*
Too bad it wasn’t electronic catch phrase.
@ Wind Lane I totally saw the WotC and thought the same thing. It hit my CCG nerve and almost caused a relapse!
“SotM: WotC” mean completely different things to me. Swarm of the Marro and Wizards of the Coast – and all of it ties to HeroScape. 🙂
Wow, several of my games in one update! How lucky is that?! Thanks, Jeff, for adding to the site! I completely forgot about the game Scoville (going on the wishlist) and simply MUST check out other intriguing titles like Pirates vs. Dinosaurs.
Scoville and SotM: WotC! Woo hoo! Thanks Jeff!