Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Board & Card Games

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

Gaming Music & Accessories

Don’t forget to enter the contests! One for a current Kickstarter, Fireteam Zero, has been posted.
The Cowpoke and Cowpunk Area 1851 unlocks a bonus card at a Twitter Follower Level – they need about 10 more – so follow Game Salute on Twitter! Because with about a game a month on The Kick middlemanned by them – you are going to have to eventually 🙂
P.S. Time for a new Hot Sheet! We need SDE:Forgotten King and Capes and Villains up there!
If you’re a fan of Apex, we just added the game to the site, so make sure and click “want it” and/or heart it to help it rise in the ranks!
Click here to visit the game page >
It was time. I pulled the trigger for Tokaido: Collector’s Edition.
@inmarg Agree wholeheartedly – Stonemaier is never anything but professional and solid. They have taken a few lumps also (Watch what you call ‘KS Exclusive’) but always handle it in a professional manner and become the better for it. Any KS first-timer should read Jamey’s blog top to bottom – twice! (Also any KS behind-the-scenes curious backers because there are a lot of answers to ‘Why aren’t you doing this!???’ because I snapped my fingers.) It’s KS DVD commentary.
There’s a difference in my KS book between having a good looking and sounding product and being someone I trust with my money. Stonemaier Games is.
Euphoria was an all around solid campaign and game and Stonemaier is on the way to becoming a Kick Institution. I sort of wish the levels of Euro in my bloodstream were higher so I could appreciate the idea of a winemaking game more.
I mean stomping on grapes sounds fun….
I’m very likely to back Tuscany and I’m in very impressed by the quality Stonemaier has put up, both component wise and the way the campaign is run. Great examples for all on how to run a great KS campaign.
Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King just launched.
A campaign so simple, elegant and anti-Cool Mini Million I had to pledge immediately AND write them a note of applause.
@Paladin I’m curious to see how the 3 week countdown works for C & V – you really need your advert ducks in a row before going in if you need a lag bail out.
BTW Nice review of MYTH *jealous* 😛 😛 (I had to give you a medal so you didn’t think me too spiteful 🙂 )
I really dig the shorter project time that some Kickstarters (like Capes and Villains) have been experimenting with lately. Three weeks seems plenty, and 60 days is just overkill; there’s always a deep, depressing lull in long campaigns and a 22-day project time really feels like it’ll cut some of that down and still bring in plenty of backers.
Capes and Villains went live at Noon est
Slow gaming kickstarter week for me.
I’ve waffled over Arcadia Quest and MERCS:RECON and opted not to pledge quite yet. Obviously missed AQ (I’d like to see what SDE has up it’s sleeve) and I still need to see something more from RECON to commit there. Probably something more than just the office setting, but I’m keeping my eye on it.
Based on @Hai’s comment, I’m also giving a look to Epic Resort as well. Might fill a nice niche.
Next week I cannot wait for Capes and Villains and if the rumors hold true, Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King will be on the radar as well.
Kill Shakespeare A fan of the graphic I really, really, wanted to like you but in the end it was… Not To Be 🙁
Westerly Last chance for the Wagon Train and a parody of the pixelated prairie of yesteryear the O-Trail! (Playing off the idea that when we were 8 we never realized what a pain cave that game was and how bad it slapped you across the face. In Westerly you don’t hit the trail – TRAIL HIT YOU! And where else are you going to find a parody of today’s flavor of the month tropes in their ‘Trails and Tropes’ expansion? A parody in a parody is like a banana split for the tabletop.
Monday-ish be on the look out for Capes and Villains the dice rolling superhero mash-up game. Friend to Kickstarter Tink Magic and my home campaign of The Fairytale Games: Battle Royale I hope they took my advice and will be using BGdot as a platform – Avatars from them will be nifty!
I decided to remove Kill Shakespeare and added Pay Dirt, Ancient World, and Tuscany to an ever growing list. Kickstarter should be renamed Bankruptcy. Game addiction is a monkey with two tails.
Go check out Apex – a tactical deck-builder with battles between DINOSAURS — how cool is that! I have many fond memories of model dinosaur fights as a child, but this is no kid’s game. With great art and a very responsive designer, I backed it immediately!
Really hoping pay dirt gets done, i don’t understand mini games, tho tokaido would be awesome
Not much longer to get in on Migration, folks! It’s been upgrade to wooden tokens and, in just a few hundred bucks, event cards (Age Cards, as Joe calls them) that alter gameplay from turn to turn.
I’m also privy to a secret that I cannot share, confided in my via direct message — that will make the game even COOLER to have once all this Kickstarting hubbub has wrapped up.
You want this game. You want it!
A few good games up there. Fans of Viticulture should be happy with Tuscany. Migration also looks interesting, but probably favors people with small hands.
With the add-ons I can’t seem to say no to, Arcadia Quest and Dreadball have become so expensive that I’m having to turn down projects I otherwise would have backed. The two most painful victims are The Ancient World and Pay Dirt. If I play a few more of Ryan Laukat’s games and enjoy them as much as City of Iron, he may end up my favorite designer. And I’ve never been able to play Alien Frontiers – but I know it would be one of my favorites, so I can’t wait for Pay Dirt. I will absolutely buy both of these games the day they’re released retail, but I’m going to have to pass on the Kickstarters and hope nothing game-changing gets added as an exclusive.
I am in until the end with Tower, Town Center, Robots on the Line and Migration – all pledges that preceded the bank-busting twosome mentioned above.
The only new pledge I’ve made since last week is for Apex. I try to avoid card games on Kickstarter, but this is one huge (over 400 cards) and complex deck-builder. The designer really seems to do something new here, and unlike The Ancient World and Pay Dirt, I’m worried that it will be pretty hard to find retail. He just announced special Gripmats for the game as well that should help corral the dozens of cards that end up spread around the table during play.
Finally, I agree with @garbled – Area 1851 looks pretty great. If I find a way to free some cash to back another game this month, this will probably be it.
Thanks for the support guys. Migration still has a good day left. I’m excited to see everyone visit 🙂
I’m in for Kung Fu, Area 1851 (oh my, that game looks hysterical), The Ancient World (the artwork is fantasic), and Epic Resort. My GF is in for Tuscany. That game looks amazing.
So many good ones up right now. So dangerous. And with Super Dungeon Explore coming out very soon, oh my. My poor wallet.
My GF is backing Westerly, but she thinks it won’t fund. She thinks the reboot with the lack of a board is going to do it in.