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Board Games on (Dec 17)

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 17-Dec-13 | 17 comments

board and card games on kickstarter

Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing

Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Comments (17)

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Explorer - Level 1

Lamp Light Games just relaunched “Space Junk”. It is their first game, and they previewed it at Gencon this year, to the delight of many. Check it out. I enjoyed playing the game myself!

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The latest thing I backed was GripMat — a no-slip playing mat for tile games like Eclipse, Settlers, Betrayal and Mage Knight. Lots and lots of cool artwork options for the mats as well.

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I backed Coin Age…

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I just can’t back anything from Seth Hiatt or Mayday Games – too many underhanded, dirty deals done by that guy and anything he’s been tied to for me to trust it in the slightest.

Git Bit looks like tons of fun though, so I hope somebody else publishes it eventually.

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US Marines Service

Backed Coin Age. It’s about all I can afford after some recent game spending.

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I Am What I Am

Hold Your Breath Card Game & 3-in-1 Walk the Plank & Get Bit put away 🙂
Also got Brimstone inc next year <3 Cant w8 for that

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Stone of the Sun

I got to back Coin Age. So freaking cheap, everyone should back it!

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Hey all, I just noticed that just updated their site a bit so now you can actually sort/filter projects… awesome!!

Click here to see the filter I set for tabletop games sorted by launch date. You can even further filter things by clicking on the green circle with a plus in it. (I like sorting by launch date rather than popularity so that I don’t miss those diamonds in the rough)

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Argent (still) and Machina Arcana. As of MA it feels like I’ve seen it before….

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Mask of Agamemnon
The Gold Heart
Cooperative Game Explorer

Mega Man™ The Board Game!!!


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Coin Age is the first kickstarter I’ve general I don’t like to pay and then wait months for what I purchase, maybe for it not too turn up at all. But $3? Can’t say no to that!

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I backed Coin Age.
Geared looks like a more Strategic version of Monopoly Deal.

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In on Coin Age and Argent. Not much else tickling my fancy.

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Mask of Agamemnon
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I have been on board with the Privateer Kickstarter since it’s first attempt this past summer. It is a really solid concept and promises to have some high quality components. Check it out!

The page includes two game play videos and reviews, one by Dice Tower, that show the game in action.

I am pretty tempted to get the “Get Bit” trilogy deluxe set, too, but the price point for a pledge to get it all is pretty high.

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I had completely missed the existence of the Mega Man Kickstarter, I’ll have to keep any eye on it, thanks!

It was interesting to see Kickstarter’s stance on donations in the Coin Age project where they cancelled a pledge level that included sending copies of the games to troops (Operation Gratitude). That was the first time I had seen that particular rule come into play.

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I love old school Mega Man so I’d been following it with great anticipation, but because of all the minis, it’s priced out of my range right now. I’ve also been following WarAge, but I can’t decide if it looks unique enough to warrant supporting or if it’s just another fantasy themed card game, which isn’t exactly an unfilled niche.

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Z-Man Games fan

Machina Arcana looks so good.

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