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Gamer - Level 5
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If you like war games, strategy and miniatures; this is for you. It has a great set of easy-to-learn rules, fantastic art and miniature sculpt, also the support of several expansions coming soon. Once everything is set, you can expect to play for an hour or so. The rules are very similiar to Memoir 44′
Pros (in relation to Memoir 44):
-More strategy than Memoir.
-Keeping units in formation allows them to “battle-back” when attacked.
-Lore system keeps things interesting, but also evens out the game.
-Lots of awesome plastic minis!
-Production value is excellent
-Longer set-up time than Memoir
-Harder to teach to a new player than Memoir (I use Memoir as an intro game and then “graduate” people to Battlelore)
-More rules to remember
Overall, this game is excellent for two players. It is fun, fast, engaging, and has just the right degree of complexity.