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923 xp
923 xp
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Earn Professor XP to level up by completing Professor Quests!
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
315 xp
315 xp
Explorer (lvl 0)
75 xp
75 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
153 xp
153 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
170 xp
170 xp
About Me
I've been playing games ever since I was a little kid. Growing up, my family taught me games like Rook, Rummikub, Monopoly, Parcheesi, Phase 10, Sequence, and Scrabble. In middle school I was introduced to RPGs as friends of mine would come to me to do character sketches and write background stories for their DnD nights. I played my first game of MtG my freshman year in high school and it snowballed from there. I played around with a few CCGs but I feel that my first real boardgaming experience was during my second year of college, when I finally had the opportunity to attend a boardgaming night with some long-time friends of mine. We played Puerto Rico and Arkham Horror that night - at least 7 hours of gaming between drinks and snacks. I've been an avid gamer ever since.
IRC channel @ irc.freenode.com #boardgames
Magic: The Gathering
I’ve played MtG on and off for at least 5 years and thoroughly enjoyed it. Unlike a lot of games, this never got boring or old to me, and I believe that a lot of this has to do with the fact that the game changes and evolves every year.
This game does not have to drain your bank account.
I have not spent a single cent on MtG. Granted, I have friends and know people who have spent hundreds and even thousands of dollars on rare cards, counters, mats, fancy card sleeves, and all sorts of crazy stuff. However, I’ve had more fun playing with decks that I borrowed than I have with a lot of the games I have owned.
building decks adds another level of gameplay and strategy to some people, and that’s cool, but the game is just as much enjoyable on it’s own. And that doesn’t require you spending your life savings on it. I wish I still had friends around to play this game with.