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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords (Base Set)
I play the Pathfinder Card Game just about once a week. It’s surprisingly addicting. If you are a fan of roleplaying games but don’t have the time to devote to hours of gaming at a time, you should check this out. If you like deck building games, this also has a feel of deck building to it, only at a much slower pace.
You are a group of adventurers on a quest to clear out monsters and villains from various locations, while also finding loot and leveling your character along the way. You can work together to fight monsters, or branch off on your own and take a risk. My gaming group tends to split up and fight off monsters before the Blessings deck (the timer for the game) runs out. Sometimes we do need to gather together to help each other meet checks, especially when adventures are specifically focused on one trait (such as Wisdom or Charisma).
The Pathfinder Card Game can take a while to set up, but once you’ve gone through a few different sessions, the set up gets quicker. My advice is to play two sessions in one sitting so that there’s less set up involved. Learning the game is on the easier side, especially if you have someone who has played the game before to guide you through how to play. You’ll get the hang of it at least after two sessions.
Once you’ve played through a few times, you’ll want to keep playing. There are several milestones you can reach with your character, and you never know what kind of loot you’re going to encounter on your adventures.