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Shadows Over Camelot
After having played this game a grand total of one time, I feel I am qualified to start dispensing world class game tips… Here goes…
As King Arthur, I find it best stay in Camelot for pretty much the entire game. Use the “Draw 2” ability just about every turn, and of course use your kingly ability to feed cards to your loyal knights who are off vanquishing evil (or looking for grails- whichever). This keeps them at the quests where they can keep making progress, instead of running back and forth wasting time.
As a bonus for being in Camelot (and having a ton of cards), you get to utilize the “Take 1 damage” option for your Evil action, since you are often able to dump 3 identical cards for the heal.
As a second bonus for being in Camelot (and having a ton of cards), you are often able to dump enough cards to get a guaranteed catapult kill to keep the catapult population down.
Both of these secondary benefits means the team has the option of seeing fewer black cards, which is always a good thing!
So the next time you’re the king, act like a king! Sit on your throne all day telling everyone else what to do (while being a great king, and enabling them to do it)!
It should be noted that this strategy works better the more players you have. Also keep in mind that very rarely you may actually have to get up and do some questing. In my game I went to one quest the entire time: after my lackeys fought long and hard for several turns to mostly gain the grail, there was but one empty slot left to finish the quest. So in kingly fashion, I used my acton to go to the grail. Take a damage for the bonus action, play a grail card to complete the quest. *yoink* Take grail and go home. “Thanks for all your hard work, fellas. I’ll take that”. It felt very kingly, walking over the downtrodden backs of my minions to swoop in and claim the prize after all of the hard work had already been done…
Thanks for reading!