To kick off a new month we’ll be playing some Star Wars: X-Wing (expansions are on their way!). Not sure what other games will hit the table, but sometimes is nice to see what the group is in the mood to play rather than scheduling a specific game.
What are you playing this weekend?
I’ve been working on some solo rules for Last Night on Earth and using the vassal engine to try them out. I would love to play this game with others, but alas there are not too many gamers where I live. I’ve also been playing Runebound “The Frozen Wastes” which I just received.
Been playing a bit of solo Arkham Horror and Chrononauts today. Going to try and sneak in a run of D Day Dice too before the guys come round for who knows what games. I’m hoping some Glory To Rome tonight as it’s been a while.
Me and my better half are visiting some non gamers tonight, and we’ll be playing some City of horror and Escape:The curse of the temple, to hopefully turn them over to the dark side
I just got my Kickstarted games from Small Box Games, so I now own Stone and Relic, Shadow of the Sun, and the Valkyrie Incident. I’ll try to get in one or two of those to try them out. I’m also hoping to try another round of Friday and Seasons (if I can convince my wife to play).
I think we may have a big group tonight, so there might be some Bang, Dixit, Citadels or Flash Point. I’m also debating on picking up something new over the weekend, maybe Cyclades or Vegas Showdown.
Playing some Castle Panic with the family and Sentinels of the Multiverse, even if I have to play solo!
More Mice and Mystics Solo style
On the road at Disneyland for a few days so just some quick, easy to carry games for the hotel. Maybe Bananagrams or Red Dragon Inn.
Have a completely new group coming over to game this weekend. None of them are into board games so it should be interesting. We are likely going to try Pit, King of Tokyo and Bohnanza.
Pathfinder, Stone Age, maybe some San Juan or Puerto Rico, depending on time constraints…
City of Remnants was absolutely a blast last weekend, so we’re pretty likely to play that again, and I’m thinking I’ll try and get Lords of Waterdeep to the table as well. Everything else will be haphazard – which suits me just fine.
A friend is coming back to town this weekend, so I hope to do a lot of gaming while we can. Perhaps some Sentinels, Smash Up, Betrayal, Garden Dice, Agents of Smersh, Ranking, Legacy: Gears of Time, and anything else I can find time to play.
I may end buying Mice and Mystics, so I will play a bit of that.
King of Tokyo and DiXit are also on the docket. Would love to get in some Munchkin but doubt it will happen.
Did not get to play much last week as my only gaming partner was not motivated (my wife) so we will see if I can get lucky and play some Ascension and Takenoko.
Tomorrow I’m meeting up with a bunch of gaming friends that I haven’t seen for years with the intention of a day’s gaming binge. What we play will be a matter of negotiation, but I’m taking a decent stack of games and the ones I am most hoping to play are El Grande, Eminent Domain, Lords of Waterdeep and Caylus Magna Carta. Oh, and given we’ll have a good number of us, hopefully a game or two of The Resistance.
Playing an RPG called WarWorld: Cynosure. It is a rare rule system that allows both Sci-Fi and Fantasy to play against each other.
Visiting a friend this weekend with our wee baby, so while the wives chat about babies and celebrity gossip I’m hoping we can sneak off for a quick game of Netrunner.
I also picked up a copy of Gloom this week, so hoping the wee man will have a nap at some point so we can get a 4 player game.
This week included the return of a member of the gaming group who has been absent recently. We tried our skills at Space Cadets, only to fall victim to our very first core breach (our engineer was a little too concerned with tuning the engines and forgot about our impending vaporization). Following that, Battlestar Galactica hit the table. I managed to eliminate the remainder of humanity for the win!
Netrunner tournament on Saturday. A friend of mine is having a gaming day birthday get-together on Sunday, so we should be playing a few games. Manhattan Project looks to be a good possibility, and may try to get Kemet or Cyclades to the table as well.
Spartacus is a blast, so we’ll have to lay that again. I may get in a game of Mage Wars, Netrunner, and Sentinels. Friday night is RPG night, and Star Wars is on the docket. We might play some X-Wing to warm up for that. It’s going to be a good weekend (knock on cardboard).