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This week’s Explorable Favorites (Feb 9)

Posted by Account Deletion {Family Gamer} | 9-Feb-15 | 18 comments

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This Week’s Explorable Games

This round of Explorable Favorites is from member grysqrl. The games selected from their Favorites shelf were:

These games will be explorable until next Monday, February 16th.

After you’ve explored these games, let us know what you think about them in the comments below!

Comments (18)

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I play purple
Explorer - Level 6
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

@ Granny, you are quite right. Have all the favorites you want!

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I play blue
El Dorado
Guardian Angel

Awesome, more explorables! Always wanted to try Glory to Rome. Seems like a quick neat game.

I’ve got to try Blueprints too.

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Contrary to popular belief, you can have multiple favorites. Just ask my kids!

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I play purple
Explorer - Level 6
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

These are two really neat games!! I want to play them both and put Blueprints on my wishlist. Thanks for making these two games explorable.

@Granny, I think all games are your favorite!! LOL

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I play blue
Spread the Word

Man, I love card games…I’m definitely going to have to try out Glory to Rome!

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Petroglyph Beta 1.0 Tester

Excellent games!

Blueprints is a fantastic little filler, with mechanisms used a little different than most other games…rolling dice and building with them as set collection. Nifty!

Glory to Rome is easily my favorite card game. It’s one of the first card games where the cards have different uses…requiring you to decide what you will use it for. It is also quite deep for a card game. However…the game is super ugly. I have the Kickstarter Black Box which is so much more attractive. If you can get past the terrible art, this is a game worth exploring as a deep strategical card game.

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I play blue
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Blueprints has been on my wish list since I saw the ads for it here when it was released. The theme is a great entryway for the non-gamers in my family, and anything with a bunch of dice seems to enjoy an automatic cool factor.

After exploring Glory to Rome, I feel I’d rather play 7 Wonders if I was looking for the civ building theme and card mechanics. Not similar in play, but sounds like they fill the same spot on my shelf, and I’m already set there.

Great couple of games to explore, love checking in each week for these!

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Jelly Killer,

I can see where you’re coming from regarding Blueprints and Ruk Shuk, but I wouldn’t say they play all that similarly.

Blueprints would be more like giving each player their own formation in Ruk Shuk to build, and then having a random set of stones distributed in the middle of the table that people draw from one at a time.

Though now that I type that, that could make for an interesting way to play Ruk Shuk, so you may be on to something!

For what it’s worth, Glory to Rome and Ruk Shuk share almost nothing in common.

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Miniature Painter
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Blueprints reminds me of Ruk Shuk, which is a favorite of the kids. Certainly worth more investigation. Glory to Rome looks fun too, but I am partial to the former with these two games.

Congrats on entering the spotlight grysqrl!

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El Dorado
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Me too I really envoy playing Bluprint as a filler or gateway game

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Gamer - Level 8
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@ grysqrl

I’ll second Blueprintsas both an excellent gateway game and a great filler. At our local gaming club we even have a guy who dislike, no, despise dice in games and even he requests to play it..

My thought on Glory to Rome is very much similar to Innovation in a way that both are better the more you get to play them and familirize with the cards. Both are games I would like to play much more…

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I play red

Interesting picks for this weeks explorables! I’ve never heard of Glory to Rome but it seems like it would be up my alley. As for Blueprints, I’ve played a couple of times and keep meaning to pick up a copy. It is a great little game. Apparently the designer was in town for the opening of our new game cafe but I missed going. I will have to make sure to get a copy next time!!

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Sentinels of the Multiverse fan
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@Grysqrl Congrats on being this week’s Sacred Shelf! 🙂

I have to say though with neither a Sentinels choice from the BGdot Master Versed in the Multiverse (or Galactic Strike Force for that matter) nor a ‘Ninja Tip’ from @Stratagon I think I heard the Seventh Seal shatter somewhere within the Cardboard Kingdom.

Interesting Explorable Goodness.

Can’t say I know much about either Blueprints or Glory to Rome, although both rattle around in my head with potentiate power. Blueprints caught my interest when it first hit the site as an entry – building little buildings with dice sounds fun and breezy. I do hear Glory to Rome has an interesting meta game. If you see someone at a Con with the legendary Black Box you can play a round of ‘Julius’: you stab them, stab them hard and take it as your own. For Caesar!!!!

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Gamer - Level 8
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Thanks for the new explorables! Blueprints seems interesting- may be going on the wishlist.

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Gamer - Level 5
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Glory to Rome has never floated my boat, but I would like to play it. Blueprints I would consider buying before playing it though…if the price was right that is.

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Sentinels of the Multiverse fan
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El Dorado

Ooh! That was unexpected. Here are my 2 cents.

I’ve found Blueprints to be an excellent filler game and is particularly good for introducing non-gamers to gaming:
-It’s fast
-The rules are easy to learn
-Everyone enjoys rolling and stacking dice
-It doesn’t have a mechanism where the rich get richer – so new players don’t suffer too much because they started the game with a weak strategy
-Even though you don’t need to use a complex strategy, there’s still enough meat for more seasoned gamers to enjoy

I’m not a big fan of competitive games, for the most part. A lot of the appeal of Glory to Rome for me is that it’s a competitive game where you are trying to out position your opponents, but there aren’t many of the direct-attack mechanics that turns me off of a lot of other games. I usually have a lot of fun playing this game. It can be a little overwhelming at first (especially trying to wrap your head around all of the possible uses for each card), but I found that I was a lot more comfortable with it by the time my second game came around. I haven’t seen the original print of the game, but the Black Box version is beautiful. Both are, unfortunately, very difficult to find without spending a ton of money.

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Gamer - Level 8
Guardian Angel
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Blueprints does seem like a good game to add to have another filler game when needed for gaming nights. Not sure that Glory to Rome would be worth it, didn’t really spark anything for me to want to get the game.

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Miniature Painter
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I can’t “Tip Ninja” this batch, but I enjoyed exploring them anyway. Thanks to AD for the submissions and to grysqrl for the suggestions!

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