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This week’s Explorable Favorites (Dec 22)

Posted by Account Deletion {Family Gamer} | 22-Dec-14 | 7 comments

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This Week’s Explorable Games

This round of Explorable Favorites is from member Ameratrash. The games selected from their Favorites shelf were:

These games will be explorable until next Monday, December 29th.

After you’ve explored these games, let us know what you think about them in the comments below!

Comments (7)

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Stone of the Sun

Earth Reborn has not been the best of sellers at our store. I think this year we may have sold 3 all year. That being said, every time one does sell I immediately order a new one in. The shelf doesn’t feel the same when it’s not on it. It has this massive presence. The fact that the box lid doesn’t fit the full box, the massive size, the in your face artwork that seems so uncharacteristic for Z-Man gives it a permanent place in our store, regardless of sales in our neighborhood.

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Miniature Painter
Rosetta Stone
Advanced Reviewer Beta 1.0 Tester

Earth Reborn looks like my kind of game. Unfortunately, finding someone to play it with me would likely be more challenging than beating Dunwich Horror.

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Gamer - Level 8
Explorer - Level 5
Critic - Level 3

Woohoo, only at this speed it will only be 15 weeks for the Rosetta Stone.

Earth Reborn is one of the games I’m really trying to find time to get to the table.

Dunwich makes Arkham incredible hard, and I’ve yet to win with it. I really hate gate burst.

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I play blue
Cooperative Game Explorer

Hoo boy was Earth Reborn ever a mismatch for me. 🙂

A friend and I split the cost in the hopes of playing through it together. It has some super heavy rules. The first few scenarios introduce the rules in small increments for a reason. In the end, we felt that we’d rather be playing a polished minis game or just a board game, and that Earth Reborn fell into an uncomfortable middle spot between the two.

If you don’t mind a heck of a grind in the initial learning, it seems like it does have some seriously deep gameplay. You just need to be really devoted to getting into it.

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I play blue
El Dorado
Guardian Angel

Arkham Horror is my favorite game. The Dunwich Horror expansion is an excellent expansion! It gives more investigators, GOOs, all kinds of new cards, and another board. Also added the injury/madness mechanic which is one of the best additions to the game.

Earth Reborn looks pretty good. However, a portion of the reviews weren’t all that enthusiastic about the complexity of the rules, long playing time and steep learning curve. I’d still like to give it a try though.

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Platinum Supporter
Petroglyph Beta 1.0 Tester

Earth Reborn is way too good to be so forgotten. It’s really best as a two person game, and rivals Battlelore, Stronghold, and Claustrophobia for my allegiance. It’s definitely worth a look.

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Sentinels of the Multiverse fan
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Congrats @Ameratrash for being this week’s Sacred Shelf

I do hope Earth Reborn merits a fresh review treatment as this week’s Explorable – it seems interesting enough

Dunwich Horror is a solid expansion in terms of Arkham and adds many interesting new branches to the core tree as FFG likes to do (and a few powerful tentacle slaps to the face as only AH can.) Plus it is one of my favorite Lovecraft stories – oh those wicked and wacky Whateley’s

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