If you’ve been looking for a copy of Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, you might still be lucky to find one on amazon.com. I got my copy last week and was quickly pulled back into the wonderful world of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth.
The new Living Card Game (LCG) by Fantasy Flight Games is superb in every way. Beyond the beautifully illustrated cards and the support text being direct quotes from the books two things really shine:
1. It can be a single player game
2. It can be played cooperatively with up to 3 other players
(with 2 core sets)
Your probably wondering what I meant about subscribing… Every month, starting in July, a new adventure pack of cards will be released. These adventure packs will have new heroes, new support cards for each of the four spheres of influence, new encounter cards and new quests to take on!

The beauty of this being an LCG is that you don’t have to worry about buying packs of cards hoping to get new cards, and ending up with tons of the “common” cards. The core set and each adventure pack will tell you what you get. If you want more of those cards, just buy another!
The first adventure pack, The Hunt for Gollum, is set for a mid July release.
Learn more about Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Learn more about The Hunt for Gollum Adventure Pack
Official game page: Fantasy Flight Games – The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Still haven’t played this one yet…
check out teamcovenant.com, they have a really great subscription service, I get all the sets and chapter packs sent as soon as their released. 🙂
cant wait
You can also subscribe to news about LOTR LCG via RSS feed off the Fantasy Flight Games website: http://fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=129&enmi=The%20Lord%20of%20the%20Rings:%20The%20Card%20Game
@Myriad Games: I wish your local store could offer something of the sort!
Yep, our local stores did that as a Launch Bundle promotion when the base game came out. You could subscribe for the entire series of 6 Adventure Packs as part of a special bundle with the base game. They’re all pre-paid and reserved at the local store to pick up when they release.
I have the first expansion and can’t wait for the rest. A subscription option is a great idea. Offer it at a discount in exchange for pre-paying for the series.