UPDATE: Don’t forget about these games that just went from coming soon to newly released!
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Second Edition
LOTR LCG: Return to Mirkwood Adventure Pack
The Walking Dead: The Board Game

Thanksgiving weekend – nothing brings family and friends together like turkey, stuffing, and mercilessly defeating each other at board games.
Many of this week’s added games came from comments made in last week’s “What are you playing this weekend?” article. Our way of saying thank you for your comments and Happy Thanksgiving!
Feel free to comment in that article with this weekend’s gaming experiences!

Heroscape is here!
We’ve added a “Main Area” page for you to discuss the game and it’s core mechanics.
Added Heroscape Sets
Heroscape Marvel: The Conflict Begins
Heroscape: Game System Master Set

Added Games
Quarriors Rise of the Demons
Railways of the World
Eagle Games
The Game of Life
Tulipmania 1637
JKLM Games
Amazing Space Adventure
SherCo Games
Queen Games
Monkey Lab
Alderac Entertainment Group
Pamplona – Viva San Fermín!
Tartan Grizzly Productions
Pathfinder: Beginner Box
Paizo Publishing

Cant go wrong bringing out minis on my table!
The Quarriors! expansion link (above) is behind on its holidays. It thinks it is Halloween still, and has disguised itself as another game. (Translation – it points to a different game).
I’ve yet to get to play the expansion itself and I’m hopeful it skips Thanksgiving, as I’d rather it not be a “turkey” (’cause, you know, it’s a well established fact that dragons prefer red meat).
Speaking of food… any chance Bananagrams and (Uwe Rosenberg’s) Mamma Mia! (another game ending in an ‘!’) could come to dinner… er, boardgaming.com?
“Ten Days in Asia” (plus Ten Days in Africa, Europe and US versions) — would be outstanding family games to add.
People are requesting The Game of Life? Wow, I’m honestly shocked. Oh well, to each their own 🙂
I would love to see Star Wars: CCG from Decipher added. It’s an out of print game that still gets massive community support, still has tournaments across the country with an annual world championship and is one of the most fun/strategic games I’ve ever played. 🙂
Double extra thanks for adding Heroscape by the way.
@Scott G
In the works is a new system for adding games (details to be released soon).
The focus is to get the 2010-2011 games added along with whatever games users are requesting/discussing (for example Heroscape, Guillotine, and The Game of Life).
There are several out of print titles already in the database. Was there a game in particular you are interested in?
What are plans to expand the Database? Are you just doing in print titles?
Whoa, learn to scroll down! Amazing Space Venture made it too! 2 of my 3 votes are in!! If you’re reading this Mr. LeShay, glad to see your game made it here, it’s one of the best! 🙂
HEROSCAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best Boardgaming.com news to date! Really happy to see this game up there as it’s one of my all time favorites and was one of my 3 votes. Review and strategy writeups to come! Thanks guys!
edit: Whoa, learn to scroll down! Amazing Space Venture made it too! 2 of my 3 votes are in!! If you’re reading this Mr. LeShay, glad to see your game made it here, it’s one of the best! 🙂
Yes! Heroscape! Thanks, guys. Out of print but still an overdue addition. Fantastic.
@whatawhale: Super Dungeon Explore, for starters!
@Jon: that makes sense. Boardgamegeek is cool, but I love the look & general design of this site WAY better. I’m enjoying it for now, but I suppose it remains to be seen if I stick around for the long term if it doesn’t aim to eventually include every game. I’d also like to be able to record plays beyond “played this today”, but then maybe I should just go to BGG. I suppose I was just hoping that this site aimed to be a Better Version of Boardgamegeek. But obviously I’m putting my own assumptions & expectations into the site.
I’ll hang & see how it goes! Again, I’m enjoying it so far.
It takes time (and money) to get games added to this site. No, we will never have every game ever created added to this site. If you want to make your “collection” complete for your profile, for now you can add the unlisted games into your bio.
Having 2/3rds of a collection is really pretty good, compared to where we were a few months ago. Not bad for a site that only launched this year.
The vision for the site is summed up in the tag line … “A fun way to discover new games”
It’s intended to be a gateway into the world of board gaming. We will do our best to make the site fun for all types of gamers, but it would be unreasonable to expect it to become the Wikipedia for all things board gaming. There is already a site for that.
Until board gaming.com makes more than just a couple hundred dollars a year, or unless we end up getting thousands of hours of free volunteer labor, you can expect things to proceed at the rate they have been. We actually DO have a number of people volunteering their time to help with the site, for which we are extremely grateful, not to mention the many hours everyone is spending creating awesome game reviews. So we just ask for everyone’s patience as we continue to add games and new features.
Great to finally see Railways of the World get added! No expansions added with it though, eh?
The big downside of this site is that there are so few games on it. I’ve only been gaming for a few years (meaning that the games in my collection are all newer and have been in the stores within the very recent past) and only 2/3rds of my collection can be found here.
I understand not having games that have been out of print for a decade, but these are all new games. So, like Hans below, I am wondering what the direction or vision of this site is. Sure, it’s a beta and testing is the name of the game right now, but we can’t do much here yet.
So cool to see Heroscape join the list. One of my absolutely favorite games, definitely the one I’ve spent the most on, and like Akden, it got me started in board gaming.
I’m also really happy to see Pathfinder added. Paizo is putting out some of the best fantasy fluff right now. Even if you’re not interested in the system, it’s worth it for the good stuff that can be mined from it.
Hi Hans
What games are you hoping to have added?
As far as adding games is concerned…
We try to focus on upcoming games over out-of-print games, but as you can see we did add Heroscape so oop is not totally off limits.
So, I’m new to bg.com: what’s the vision here? Are we looking forward to (eventually) having, like, EVERY boardgame up, like that “other” boardgame site? I love boardgaming.com, but it’s a little disheartening to see so many games not here; I just want to know what direction the site’s headed in.
Thanks for adding Heroscape. Still my all-time favorite game.
This is the one that sparked my interest in hobby boardgaming.
Has anyone played both Horse Fever and Pamplona?
How do they compare?