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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
105 xp
105 xp
Explorer (lvl 1)
230 xp
230 xp
Professor (lvl 0)
45 xp
45 xp
Reporter (lvl 0)
91 xp
91 xp
About Me
I am currently playing Ace detective, Thunderstone, and Lords of Waterdeep. I really enjoy deck building since I am an old school MTG player but after playing some LOWD I am digging the Euro-Game thing. I personally enjoy all games that make you think be competive or co-op.
Sentinels of the Multiverse
I know normally people save their opinion till the end but I couldn’t hold out on telling you Sentinels of the multiverse is not only my favorite co-op game ever but the best game in my collection. All the praise it has received is for good reason my group of core friends always wants to play and it is highly repayable with the fear of not always winning. I only review games I think are fun. So onto a bit about the game and how it plays.
At first glance SOTM is easy pick a hero, Pick a villain, and pick and environment. Then you move to set up shuffle your decks draw your cards then start the villain turn they always go first flip a card from there deck then play its effects on the wood-bee supers heroes. After your done taking your shellacking from your over powered villain choose what hero will go first then rotate clockwise taking turns playing powers or buffs than can sometimes help protect you or your teammates. After everyone has played one card and used one power from their hero which is indicated on the cards they then flip a card from the environment deck which really can cause a world of hurt most of these cards are not a benefit but rather a large monkey wrench of doom in your well oiled hero machine. This game is deep and rich with strategy and working well with your team and keep this in mind you can have 4 heroes but if they aren’t a good mix your chances of winning go down so be warned. With all this said still the best game for your money with awesome expansions.