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The Basics: Carcassonne is a simple tile laying, area control game where you will draw a tile on your turn, legally play it on the map, and then play a meeple on it if you wish. When we first started playing this game most people just kept to themselves working on their own cities, roads, etc. But as we played more it turned into a “take that” game where other people are enlarging your city in hopes that you will not close it before the end of the game or sneaking more of their meeples into the city or road to steal the points from you. There is a lot more strategy to this game once you actually get into it and it can cause some “flip the table” moments when someone places a tile to steal your 30+ point city from you!
Replay Value: We couldn’t get enough of this game after someone in our group first bought it. We made sure it hit the table every game night and sometimes multiple times in a night. But now, at least I am sooo tired of the game. There are a ton of expansions which aren’t too pricey (if you can find them separate from the main game) which add a little more variety, but it is still the same thing…pick a tile, hope that it is the one tile you need, be disappointed when it’s not, and then place a meeple.
Components: The components are great. The cardboard land tiles are durable and sturdy plus they all seem to line up well enough. The only thing that irks me a bit is that the back side of the tiles are slightly darker on the expansion pieces leading people to try and grab those ones over the base set sometimes. The meeples (isn’t this the game that created the meeple?) are awesome, made of wood, and mostly the same size.
Ease of Learning: This game is a breeze to teach people…until you get to farms. The farmers confuse so many people the first couple times they play the game that it is almost easier to play a complete game (or have a completed game laid out) and show them how farms score and how farmers are allowed to be played. Other than that, this game is pretty simple and the 3 steps (place tile, place meeple, and score meeples) per turn are easily learned by most people.
Overall Impression: Okay, let me start off by saying that I drank the Kool-Aid and fell in love with this game the first time I played it. Then we introduced it to our group and it instantly became the big game that everyone wanted to always play….ALWAYS. My group fell in love hard with this game. Don’t get me wrong, the game is fantastic and we have probably played it close to 25 times, but that was enough for me. Maybe I am still jaded from playing it so much lately, but this solid game got old quick for me. My wife enjoys it which says a lot since she is a non-gamer and I don’t mind playing it, but it has gotten to the point now that when people ask me to play Carcassonne I first ask what else we have available…