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Quantum is a space game, if you hadn’t already figured that out.
I’ve heard some people call it an abstract game with a sci fi theme, but I guess I just get too sucked into the theme to notice it’s just an abstract game.
The theme is fantastic. The colors are eye catching and the artwork is gorgeous. The whole game has a dedicated backstory about how these different factions are competing to put these giant planet sucking machines (Quantum Cubes) on planets.
The story is neat if you care to read it. If you don’t that won’t matter.
The heart of the game is your ships, or your dice; same thing. You dice are your ships.
Depending on what die face is showing that shows what ship it is.
A ONE is a slow battlestation all the way to a SIX which is a nimble scout.
These numbers represent how far a ship can move as well as its combat strength (lower is better).
Each game is different in a big way. The game comes with a chart of different ways you can lay out the planet tiles. These different tile layouts make for drastically different games, some that lead to more exploration and others that force you into more combat.
The game even includes tips on making your own map layouts that will be balanced and fun.
To win you need to get rid of all of your quantum cubes. To do that you can either kill enough people until your ‘dominance’ gets up to six, which lets you place a cube, or you can construct cubes on planets.
Each planet has a number (7,8,9,or 10). To construct a cube on that planet your ships orbiting that planet must add up to exactly the number of the planet.
It’s really fun and makes for a lot of maneuvering to try to get your ships in the right spots.
There’s much more to the game than what I’ve mentioned here.
There’s cards that give you special traits, each with an adjective that describes how your people are developing. “I’m a righteous warlike clever people!”
Each ship has its own special action that can be used to great advantage. For example the THREE can swap places with another friendly ship and a FIVE can move diagonally.
Using your ships special abilities in tandem can really put the momentum your way.
Quantum is fantastic, fun, and gorgeous.