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I am currently playing games with my wife and chronicling these events on my blog. I love light to heavy eurogames, and I do enjoy some good Ameritrash. I will try just about anything and I enjoy the people that I am playing with.
Defenders of the Realm
While Mrs. Games with Two is away, the boys will play. Time for another adventure in gaming with the boys. Last night we broke out Defenders of the Realm. This is a cooperative game set in a fantasy world (I compare it to Lord of the Rings without the licensing) for two to four players. Each player selects a hero with a special ability and everyone works together to defeat four invading generals. The game plays very much like Forbidden Island and Pandemic. However, DotR plays as if it is a more advanced version of these popular games. If this looks like a game you might be interested in, but the price is a little much for you check out Forbidden Island and/or Pandemic. Then if you like those and want more of a challenge then I would suggest grabbing a copy of Defenders.
Last night we began defending the Realm with 3 heros. A Dwarf, A Eagle Rider, and a Wizard. The realm quickly filled with minions of the four generals. We began collecting hero cards to fight the four generals as tried our best to keep the many minions at bay. At points it felt as if we were going to be overtaken. And then we would be successful at multiple battles in a row. Then the generals began to fall. First the Orcs, followed by the Demons, then Saphhire and finally the Undead. They fell like dominos. It was a victory for the heroes.
Although this adventure was an easy victory, this has not always been the case. We have played this game five times now, and we have three victories to two loses. So I would say this game presents a challenge. There are many expansions to give you more heroes and more generals. Therefore, victory can become more difficult to obtain. These expansions also give you plenty of variety. I do not currently own any of the expansions and right now I don’t have plans to get them. This game just doesn’t hit the table enough to warrant them.
Now you maybe be wondering will this game play well with two? And will my wife like it? The answer is no and yes. I think this game plays best with three or four. With only two heroes the game can be very challenging as you try to defeat for generals. It can be done, but not easily. So if you are looking for a challenge maybe a two player game would be right up your alley. Secondly, my wife does not get into many fantasy themed games. However, she has played this one and enjoyed playing it. She loves cooperative games, so I think that is a huge selling point. It is not one that she is ever eage to play, but she will play it and has a good time doing so. We found that this is a good one to break out on a couples game night. Do use caution if you go this route, as the fantasy theme can be a deteriorate for some. Although, with the right friends, the right combo of heroes, and a little luck you can enjoy a night of Defending the Realm. You can check out more of my reviews at http://www.gameswithtwo.blogspot.com