The Dread Gazebo
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Level 7 [escape]
The Premise
In Level 7 Escape you’ll be fighting for your life as you attempt to escape from Subterra Bravo, a secret underground facility riddled with aliens (called “clones”), elite guards, and numerous other horrors. Memories of how you got there are hazy, and as one of many escaped test subjects it is up to you as to whether you work with your fellow escapees or use them as bait to save your own neck.
Be warned though: Subterra Bravo is no walk in the park, and you’ll need to outwit not only your enemies, but facility itself in order to make it out alive. The very walls of this place seem fixated on keeping you there. This game is awesome to say the least, it plays fast and it’s full of tension.
Tension, Aliens, Treachery. What’s not to like?
This game is the most fun I’ve had with a tile builder in a long time, the emphasis on “semi cooperative” game play truly make it stand out as well. Level 7 Escape has an extremely evocative narrative and mechanics to match. It plays fast, set up time is relatively quick, and the enemy “AI” is deadly. I highly recommend reading the (short) rule book [Link here] cover to cover once before sitting down to play though, learning how enemies move and spawn is very precise but easy once you pick it up.
Full In-Depth Review & Unboxing Video
If you’d like, you can check out my Full Review & Unboxing of Level 7 Escape over on my blog. There is also a site called Level7Film.com that has a short intro film for the game, and a place to add yourself and your friends into the game, be sure to check it out!