gamer level 3
1451 xp
1451 xp
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
120 xp
120 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
639 xp
639 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
138 xp
138 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
124 xp
124 xp
About Me
I enjoy playing board games, and am 3 expansions away from owning Dominion in its entirety. I also have Arkham Horror with the Innsmouth expansion, but am looking to trade it for another game, if interested PM me.
Overview: So you and your opponent(s) start out with the same deck, one comprised of 3 victory cards (estates) and 7 treasure cards (copper). Also in play are 10 stacks of Supply cards, 3 victory stacks and 3 treasure stacks that everyone can purchase for their respective deck.
Shuffle your deck, draw 5 cards, and start purchasing these cards, discarding purchased cards with the leftovers in your hand, and draw 5 more. When your draw pile runs out, shuffle the discard pile and make a new draw pile out of it. This is how the cards you buy get back into your hand.
This game is, for the most part, not very interactive, you’ll take turns with your opponent(s) playing actions, drawing, and buying cards, while trying to get enough gold flowing to consistently purchase victory points. There are the odd attack cards, which affect opponents and usually benefit you in some way at the same time, but for the most part, you’re going to be concentrating on making your deck efficient.
Sounds boring? It’s not, There’s so much variety and replay value with this game. It’s very addicting and one of my all-time favorite games.