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War of the Ring
If you like the LoTR universe, play this game. If words like strategic, deep, time-consuming, thematic and beautiful make you salivate over a game, play this game. If you like to mod a game and make it your own by painting pieces, upgrading components, etc, buy this game.
If you’re opposed to fun (or long games), don’t buy this game.
My wife and I play this game relatively regularly, and it is well worth the initial investment. You will play as either the Free Peoples (Elves, Gondor, Rohan, Rangers, Dwarves) or as the forces of darkness, evil, and no-niceness-whatsoever (Isengard, Sauron, Southrons/Easterlings). Both sides have a win condition based on military achievement (more difficult for the free peoples, but occasionally an option) and a win condition based on the status of the One Ring. The free people are trying to destroy it (like you do), and Sauron is desperately searching for it, attempting to regain his full strength.
The game plays out as an exercise in balance, as you seek to progress militarily and in the search for/destruction of the Ring.
I cannot recommend highly enough to you that you go find a copy and play this game now.