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Supporter Achievements

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 14-Nov-12 | 16 comments

Thank You!

First off we want to extend the biggest thanks to everyone that has supported by purchasing gems!

Out with the old …
Previously we had a series of badges that you could purchase to show your support for The downside was that the process involved spending a considerable amount of BG Gold.

  • The supporter badges are no longer something that you purchase
    with BG Gold.
  • We have removed the supporter badges from the badge marketplace.
  • Anybody who has purchased a supporter badge in the past will have their
    BG Gold refunded!

In with the new…
We agree with the principle that buying gems means helping to financially support the site, and we want to reward you for that support!

  • We’ve created a new Supporter quest series. Progress in that series is based on making gem purchases (cumulative total purchases).
  • Anybody who has purchased gems in the past will retroactively receive credit within the new quest series. So, it’s possible that you may automatically earn the same (or similar) badge that you had purchased in the first place.
  • Visit the Gem Marketplace page to claim your badge if you’ve made any purchases. Supporter Achievements

Below are the first five achievements in the series.

Copper Supporter

Copper Supporter

Show your support for by purchasing
a total of 5 Gems

Bronze Supporter

Bronze Supporter

Show your support for by purchasing
a total of 20 Gems

Silver Supporter

Silver Supporter

Show your support for by purchasing
a total of 45 Gems

Gold Supporter

Gold Supporter

Show your support for by purchasing
a total of 70 Gems

Platinum Supporter

Platinum Supporter

Show your support for by purchasing
a total of 100 Gems

Comments (16)

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Mask of Agamemnon
The Gold Heart
Cooperative Game Explorer

Pay for xp? Hummm…

No thanks.

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I play blue
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@Jon, Nah, no one is advocating taking away XP. I’d rather you focus on just creating more XP opportunities without the cash requirement.

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Platinum Supporter
Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
I play blue

Perhaps we should reduce the XP earned for the higher levels of the hearting quests – now that they are easier to complete. And yes, the change would mean adjusting the XP of individuals who have earned the quests previously.

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8 Beta 2.0 Tester
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This makes my head spin…. but I’m sure it all makes sense back at HQ;)

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I play blue
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@Kaleb I am talking about the Heart quests when the Bronze, Silver, and Gold hearts were introduced. A friend and I are both on here. I was slightly ahead of him in XP, but by being able to get tons of XP out of the Heart quests, he jumped past me by about 3,000 XP in just a matter of days.

There is no direct XP link to these badges though they help highlight the gems. People just get to keep their gold now (instead of converting gold to support badges) but that is at least a little more indirect than the Heart quest.

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I play purple
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@colstfan76 I’m unsure how the prior method was “purchasing XP” and this isn’t? Wasn’t it just purchasing badges that cost a lot of BG gold? This way does seem cleaner and is a change in that you can now use the gold to get new avatars/wallpaper/hearts/etc. So “purchasing XP” still seems just as doable as before as you now have gold for hearts.

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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The Gold Heart

@gamerbling, you won’t see the Supporter quest series in the drop down menus, but you should be able to see the link to the Gamer Quests page in the drop down under Quests in the main nav (let me know if you don’t). Once on the Gamer Quests page, you’ll see your status for the Supporter quest series on the left next to the other Gamer Quests.

You can also click here to go to the Gamer Quests page >

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8 Beta 1.0 Tester
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Platinum Supporter
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awesome! Yeah, I was very confused by the sudden wealth I had. 😛

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I play black

I don’t see them in my drop down menus. Maybe it’s because I am on an iPad?

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I play blue
Football Fan
Advanced Reviewer

Agreed that this is the better route to go. Purchasing XP was wrong on so many levels. This is a great compromise.

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My First Heart
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Gave My First Grade

Very cool solution. This is definitely the better way to go.

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Platinum Supporter
Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
I play blue

One thing we forgot to mention … If you’ve previously made any purchases, you’ll need to visit the Gems Marketplace page so that the quest update is triggered. Click on the “Gems” link at the top of the page under your username to get to the marketplace quickly.

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
Video Game Fan
Miniature Painter
The Gold Heart

The Supporter quest series is on the “Gamer Quests” page. To get to it go to the drop down menu of the main nav “Quests” tab.

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I play black

Are the supporter quests going to be added to a menu, or did Yours Truly just miss it?

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Jungle Elves - Summoner Wars Beta 2.0 Tester
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Unicorn Clan - Legend of the Five Rings

Nice idea. I wondered why I suddenly had more BG gold!

Keep up the great work. Love the site, and I’m happy to support it.

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