Get limited edition Mythic Kingdoms fantasy-themed playing cards while supplies last.

Review: Food Fight

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 22-Jun-12 | 6 comments

Food Fight title
Food Fight is fun battle game with anthropomorphic food warriors and lots of puns. The mechanics work well with a theme that is both entertaining and well illustrated.

In Food Fight players build an army and go to war over battlefields like Remember the À La Mode and Spaghettis-burg. The game is very entertaining and comes with cool components like after meal mint tokens…

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Comments (6)

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Just to be clear… all the cards that come in the box are family friendly.

If you don’t wish to play with the 3 risque cards, don’t bother with the promo cards, which are only available when ordering through Cryptozoic’s web store.

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sweet! thanks Jim!

Yeah, just saw the cards. Definitely not family friendly, but I have my friends who I game with and my family. Just need to make sure I take those cards out when it’s family game night. 🙂

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Looks like if you order direct from Cryptozoic you get the promo cards with your order… but it does say while supplies last, so you might want to call to confirm. Here’s the link:

Just check out their site to make sure you want the cards, they definitely aren’t family friendly.

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How does one obtain promo cards aside from places like ebay? I really want to get this game and being a completest, I really would like to get the promos as well.

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@Marvin K
The promo cards are risque.
However, the regular cards that come in the game are more normal.

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My only caveat is that I was given a promo set of cards for this game. Some of the humor is at least risque, if not raunchy-depending on your point of view so I would not recommend it for a family gamer.

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