Give a huge community high five to Jon, our sleep deprived developer! Or maybe a week in Hawaii 🙂 (if only)

Gamer Type Recommendations
The next phase in finding the right game for the right gamer!
Qualified users can now recommend the best games for each Gamer Type (GT). This is represented in the Recommendations box on each game page.
Learn more about the requirements, and see if you qualify! >
- Faded icon: The game has not received a user or BG staff recommendation
- Visible icon w/o medal: The game has received a BG staff recommendation
- Visible icon with silver medal: At least two users recommend the game
- Visible icon with gold medal: More than ten users recommend the game
If you leave your mouse hovering over any GT icon, you will see how many recommendations it has received, as well as the average rating for that game given by gamers of that specific GT.
Clicking on any icon will take you to a page with a list of all recommended games for that GT!
[update] Forgot to mention… clicking on the “edit” link in the upper right corner of the Recommendations box on game pages will take you to the page where you can check your recommendation status and recommend games you qualify for.

BoardGaming.com Review Re-design
Better looking and more functional!
Under the intro statement is a quick link to the “Who would enjoy this game?” section of our reviews. This section contains our detailed recommendations for the different Gamer Types.

User Review Star Ratings
Where does the user review additional rating criteria go?
Now you can see the average user ratings for replay value, component quality and how easy the game is to learn.

Still learning as I check this old stuff out.
All of this looks like great additions to the site. This place keeps getting bigger and better all the time.
Also, I think it would be great to add in an “Intensity” or “Brain Burner” setting for gamers.
I have gamer setting (changes with mode, 😀 ) selected but I’m not sure that really is me. I don’t care for the power gamer, because I’m not to partial to breaking the game down in a sterile fashion.
I like social and family games, but I tend to like games that make your brain sweat/burn.
You can be an avid gamer, but like the light games.
Maybe we could add something like this to our profiles and when we’re looking for folks to follow and such, I think it helps if the opinion of a gamer we’re considering is based on if they are light or heavy gamer type.
So, is there some way of showing the time to play the games? Time/player, time for entire game?
Whoa. I love it! I’m also very gratified to be able to do more with the site for having solid reviews. Thank you!
Great addition, guys.
I added this to the Gamer Type Recommendations section above…
[update]Forgot to mention… clicking on the “edit” link in the upper right corner of the Recommendations box on game pages will take you to the page where you can check your recommendation status and recommend games you qualify for.
Awesome and indeed. Great job, Jon!
Oh my stars and garters! This is just peachy. Thank you, thank you Jon!
I like getting to see the Star Ratings. I think that will be helpful as a new gamer looking for new games. I’ll have to check out more of the Gamer Type Recommendations and see how that works. Thanks Guys.
Looking forward to using the new features. Thanks!
All great improvements. Please pass on my thanks to Jon for efforts as he has a done a fine job.
@Andy … Even better: give me a week in Hawaii to review it. 🙂
The site keeps getting better and more useful for finding that right game for the right person.
In place of a week in Hawaii, you could get Jon a copy of the game Hawaii (and then give him a week to review it!)