Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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Vaults looks really great. Considering backing…
@Chopper Dan came straight to comments to see what people liked…never heard of Wombat Rescue but it looks hilarious! Poop cubes, Dingo Stealing Babies, Australian Outback…Board Games man, they never cease to surprise you.
Just started reading “The Dwarves”. The game piqued my interest in the book and wondering if the book will lead me to back the game.
Of course, backing and enthusiastically cheering for Cauldron. Artem’s game is a thing of beauty.
I have just backed two games that have been successfully funded; Raiders of the north seas and The King`s Abbey. Now I am backing Epoch-early inventors. It looks really cool! Hoping it will really pick up soon! I have a button on a few of the titles mentioned here.
Keep on the lookout for Middara! This co-op game just started on Kickstarter yesterday. Great miniatures and a good story based concept.
Just backing Cauldron as a new game face right now. And if you read one or two of @Artem’s reviews you should to. Like a bubbling pot of brews this game has a little something of every tabletop favorite in the mix. 🙂 (And no it is not just a secret club for those who bear the BGdot Canadian flag :))
Expansion Town seems to be the name of the game on Kickstarter this month. I did pick up the Evolution Flight pack figuring I’ll just pick up the first print on the El Cheapo retail and upgrade the cards. Doomrock gets doomier and if you missed the funding obscura on Indiegogo of the original I highly recommend this dice and card co-op that is filled chock full of doom and hard as a rock! And can it be?!?!?! DotR: Dragons unfurls wings from the void of OOP????
Mini games are taking a hit in the wake of yet another Cool Mini Million plastic shower. Skull Tales, War Quest, & BlackOut seem to be swimming in shallow waters. 🙁 I really feel the pain of Defenders of the Last Stand (backing) as they are riding a bumpy Fury Road between a plastic horde and their spiritual Draconic ancestor. With a hard to believe price point, anyone who enjoys defending realms or likes their virus in cube form should give them a look and some love.
And look at that Titans finally lumbered across the goal.
Expansion Town seems the place to visit on The Kick in the coming months as Summer Currency Cryo begins. Funds are more destined for graduations, vacations, and the lucky Cult of the GenCon. It is better to produce wants for the already haves than new waters to swim in for awhile.
But according to updates June/July is going to be a Kickstarter fulfillment beach party! My porch is going to be stacked with boxes!
Let the Summer of Sorting begin! 🙂
Backing Swamped and was really considering Tides of Infamy.
Thanks to all who contributed to success of Cauldron – greatly appreciated!
Devils Run, Mad Max the Board Game. ‘Nuff said!
Defenders Of The Realm is on my short list, so the Dragon Expansion is one I will watch. And how about that Shogun Big Box – 452 wooden pieces!
Giving a shout out for Wombat Rescue. Got a chance to play the prototype with designer Matt Wolfe last night, and it’s a really clever light strategy game. The art is terrific, and it has a unique theme. And you get to indulge your inner 5-year-old all game long making poop jokes without the slightest regret 🙂
And wombats really do poop cubes!