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Go to the Dungeons & Dragons (4ed): Player's Handbook page
50 out of 66 gamers thought this was helpful

The debate about DnD 4e has raged long and hard since it was announced. I think the biggest issue is that is attempts to level the playing field between character classes and it makes magic much more common place by giving all character classes special abilities.

It is very much more geared to combat using the collectible minis than previous editions and it feels a lot more like an MMO with all the abilities that have cool down times.

I guess it is great for playing in game stores and the like where the aim is to sell minis and splat books but for friends roleplaying around a table and trying to actually get into characters and tell stories this might be a little rules heavy.

I run a website for RPG games and the great majority of users have tried 4e and either returned to 3.5 or now play Pathfinder instead as there is less concentration on the rules and more concentration on the story.

Go to the Carcassonne page


48 out of 92 gamers thought this was helpful

Great game to play even with people who would not usually be found playing board games.

The rules are simple and straight forward, the setup is fast and the learning curve is not hugely steep.

Once you add in some of the expansions these things change a little but the basic game is an excellent starting point for someone wanting to get into board games.

Go to the Fiasco page


69 out of 174 gamers thought this was helpful

Love this game. So much fun to play and easy to learn.

Go to the Puerto Rico page

Puerto Rico

27 out of 96 gamers thought this was helpful

Excellent game. Check out the iPad app if you can’t find anyone else to play with or to practice strategies…

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