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87 out of 160 gamers thought this was helpful

Resident Evil – The Deck building game. While the rules manual was a little hard to follow due to bad wording and formatting (which I believe is being fixed in the second printing of the game) the game is pretty easy to pick up and learn even if you have never played a deck building game before. The cards art is nice using graphics from the games and they all fit nicely back into the box in the custom tray making it easy for set up.
The game has 3 modes, which keeps play interesting and with multiple starting set-ups it can really change the way each player builds their deck. If you are a fan of Resident evil, Zombies or Deck building games this is a good one to have in your cupboard

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29 out of 60 gamers thought this was helpful

This game is great if you need something to fill in about an hour. The set up time is really quick and the rules are simple and complete making the game easy to learn. Best of all, being a co-op game if you have someone in your gaming group who is super competitive and they hate it when you beat them.
Then this is the perfect games as they can only get angry with the game and not the other players. Which is good and bad as they’ll want to keep playing it till they win and what makes this even better is there a 3 difficulty ratings so once you master the easy level you can progress up the ladder. This giving the game good replayability, A must have for any gamming group.

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