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Get the most worms of all players to win this game.
You are one of the few chickens fighting over a nice meal of worms.
There are a set of tiles placed at the center of the game,
each tile has 2 values,the first is a number and the second is the number of worms.
Game play
Players roll a handful of six sided dice which has faces from 1 till 5 and a worm.
The worm is also counted as 5, but players are required to roll a worm before they may pick one.
Each time players roll their die, they need to select a certain result and keep all dice with that result.
The rest of the dice are rolled the players can’t make unique sets anymore or decide to stop.
The added value of all dice should then be equal or higher then a worm on the field
or on top of your opponent’s stack of worms.
If so that player make take a worm of choice and add it to his own stack,
even if this means taking it away from the top of another player’s stack.
It the player only rolls duplicate results or his results are too low,
he needs to add the worm on top of his stack back into the field.
Would that worm be of lower value, the worm with the highest value shall escape.
The tile with the highest number will be flipped face down is counted out of the game, which helps progressing the game.
When the field is emptied, players count their number of worms they got
and the one with the most worms wins.
This game exists of a pile of sturdy and hard plastic tiles and some wooden dice.
The overall quality is very nice.
While this game is mostly based on luck with a tad of strategy,
it is very fun and challenging to play together.
If you like dice games a good laugh is guaranteed 🙂