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Arcana Revised Edition
I find everyone I play in Arcana right out of the gate blitz’s for personalities. I prefer a more systematic method.
1. Start with relics, they are cheap and rarely will you have competition for them. Also they com in handy for the next step. After you’ve gotten 4ish move to step two.
2. Personalities. Yeah, everyone else will be fighting for these, but you’ve set yourself up with a bit of an advantage in step one. Just start bribing them out from under your opponents.
3. After you’ve built your deck up a bit start hitting locations as they come up. Your opponents may have more personalities than you, but bribing could have let you get some high stakes personalities with out the need to have a bunch of middleweights.
This isn’t a guaranteed strategy, I’m mean there is still a lot of luck involved. Using it as a loose frame work though let’s me win more often than not.