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The Resistance: 3rd Edition
I have owned this game for over a year, and have not realized its inherent awesome-ness till GenCon, when I played it with a group of 10 people for two 6 hour stints of amazing. The game is incredibly easy to teach, even to people who have never played covert back-stabby games like werewolf or mafia. I may have muddied the waters for all the new players in my group as I am loathe to refer to the spies as the ‘bad guys’- we had a whole back story about how they are just misunderstood and working for the greater good.
Knowing how to read a person is helpful for this game but not actually necessary, if you have a more than fair capacity for logic puzzles. The addition of the plot cards really opens you up to a game of intense deceit, and gales of laughter when true alliances come out.
If you have more than 5 gamer friends, you should play this game. And definitely bring it with to any event where you can coerce 10 people into sitting in for an hour or so.