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We’ve played “PIT” many times and have always had a lot of fun doing so. Personally, I think that “PIT” is under-rated, because too many people I’ve talked to have only tried it once or twice, expecting to get too much of a thrill or more gratification for their gaming urges. The secret is to *NOT* take this game too seriously. Do not think that you can develop a grand strategy to outwit all the other players and become consistently victorious. This is not a game for tournament level competitions. I like to pull this game out early in the evening when we are still waiting for a few other players to arrive. You can play a couple of very quick rounds of “PIT” to get the energy flowing in the room. It’s LOUD, Fast Moving, simutaneous card swapping between every other player mechanic wakes people up by stimulating all of their senses. Thus it can enliven a boring party and serve as an ice breaker for the socially constipated. And then as soon as you are ready to begin some serious gaming, you can put away this single deck of cards in an instant without worrying about loosing any of the bits that would devalue your major investment. Keep it light-hearted and you’ll laugh a lot while playing PIT. And remember… the more players you have, the merrier will be the interactions.