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Paperback is a unique word building and deck building game rolled into one. A kind of Dominion meets Quiddler, if you will.
Players begin the game with a standard deck of ten cards – five standard letters and five wild cards. On a player’s turn she draws cards from her deck, places them into her hand and then builds a word using some or all of those cards. The word is then scored and the points are used to buy new letter(s) (or letter combinations) from the face up offers. Players may also buy fame cards which are used as victory points for end of game scoring. When the game ends players count up fame points and the player with the most wins.
I absolutely love this game, it is on my top 10 card games list for sure. It is a super easy to teach (taking less than 10 min) and plays quickly. Some of the letter cards have “powers” that give additional benefits to buying them which requires strategy and planning ahead so the game is more enjoyable than standard word building games. The deck building aspect is great as you can really see your ability to create better words come into play as the game goes on. It also comes with play variants which I haven’t even touched yet, but am really excited to do so.