Unfortunately we won’t be playing games this weekend, just too much else going on. But that doesn’t stop me from sharing some of the games I WISH I was playing this weekend
I’ve been wanting to pull out Flash Point: Fire Rescue for the longest time, it’s such a great game. Another current favorite of mine that I hope to play soon is Azul.
What are you playing this weekend? … or what do you WISH you were playing this weekend?
Azul, Stained Glass of Sinatra, Holiday Fluxx, Dominion Adventures, Harry Potter: Battle at Hogwarts Defense Against The Dark Arts (has to be longest game title) Truro: Phoenix Rising, Dingeon Academy and Dawn of Mankind
played Azul: Stained Glass of Sentra; Gizmos; Fast Sloths.
Light gaming weekend. Got back in the saddle again with our first game of Gloomhaven in several months.
I played Yggdrasil, Villages of Valeria and Azul this weekend. All solo. I am my own gaming group!
I wish I was playing Battlestar Galactica with all my old gamers!!