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This Week’s Explorable Games
This round of Explorable Favorites is from member iambfg. The games selected from their Favorites shelf were:
- Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala
Days of Wonder | Published: 2014 - Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Bézier Games | Published: 2014
These games will be explorable until next Monday, April 6th
After you’ve explored these games, let us know what you think about them in the comments below!
I’ve actually gotten to play Five Tribes during a game group lunch session, and I enjoyed it’s little spin on the Mancala mechanic.
Haven’t got a chance to play Castles of Mad King yet, but it has been on my wishlist for quite some time. From the looks of it, I think I might like more over Suburbia (also on wishlist).
I too have seen that booster but always thought that was because the game had a BG review. I did notice it wasn’t everytime but reckoned it was due to some games having too few reviews to be explorable.
I do agree though, which was mentioned a few weeks back, that reviewing a game should count towards exploring a game.
@ Stratagon
One step you’re missing is of course the played as well
@iambfg Congrats on being this week’s Sacred Shelf spotlight and thanks for sharing. I hope this week is good to you (and I think it has already been :))
I would like to play Five Tribes someday – it was on my Holiday List of Top Five Tabletop Tickle Me Elmos as a hot sell this holiday season.
I didn’t think order mattered when exploring. I’ve gotten the boost but I thought it had to do with just being in a position that there weren’t enough reviews.
Mostly when it happened, it was something I had already explored but had too few when the time came for “official” exploration.
I think this is a neat idea but it is going to be a negative if we can’t finish what we started. I really think those game should remain explorable until they can be completed. Or new ideas arise for explorable content.
I doubt one more week is going to give us what we need to get them complete.
There’s a “booster” in the system (I believe this was unintentional) – if a game has fewer than 6 reviews, and the first exploration item you do is grading a review, it will give you credit for one extra review graded. In Cutthroat Caverns’ case, as long as you didn’t go to the rules or game page before rating your first review, you would get credit for 4 reviews graded. I stumbled on this by chance a year or two ago. In summary, everybody should always grade the reviews before doing anything else on Explorables!
I think this was never publicized because it was unintentional, but I’m not positive. And I’m sure I’m not the only user that caught on to it… but it’s entirely dependent on your personal order of Exploration (if you always go to the rulebook first you’d probably never get the “bonus” and never notice it). In any event, I’ve “publicized” it now. That would have given you the last event for Cutthroat, and that along with a play would be the last two events for Student Bodies.
Hopefully you’ll still get there through additional content over the next couple of days!
@AD Many times I have heard it mentioned that game exploration can be completed when I am always still one short. Without playing either game I am short one event in Cutthroat Caverns and two events in Student Bodies. What am I missing?
CC explorable steps completed:
3 reviews
1 tip
1 hourglass
1 video
1 rules page
1 game page
1 follow
@coltsfan76… They are set to expire tomorrow morning… But I’m thinking I’ll leave them up for another week to give us one last chance. And of course, new Publisher Explorables will be coming tomorrow.
As of right now, I believe Cutthroat Caverns can be completed and Student Bodies can be completed by those that have played it (with apologies to those that have provided the reviews we’re rating to finish them). But the other 5 need plenty of work. If you guys are interested, I can post user reviews for all of them since I’ve played them bunches for site reviews. But with most of these, that would still only get us half-way there and we’d need somebody else to step up.
Five Tribes looks really fun. I’m a sucker for vivid, colorful games!
So what’s going on with the Publisher Explorer pages? Are they set to expire today even though we don’t have enough to explore? Or will they stay open until we get enough reviews and other content?
Both great games that currently sits high on my want to play list.
Ooh I have wanted to play both of these. Especially castles. Congrats iambfg!
Love Five Tribes…I’ll be posting a review shortly. And good timing featuring this as it will the game featured on this weeks Table Top with Wil Wheaton.
As for Castles…I wasn’t too big on trying out the game, but after my first play it jumped to the top of my wish list and has hit the table a lot since December. I’ll try and get a review of it up shortly as well.
Congrats iambfg on being the chosen one. Castles was fun, never played Five Tribes but hear only praise for this game. Tell us more.