Added Games:
Formula D
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game – Core Set

Added Expansions:
Arkham Horror: Miskatonic Horror
Resident Evil DBG: Alliance (Stand-alone expansion)
Formula D: Sebring and Chicago East Park
Formula D: Valencia and Hockenheim

Added Upcoming Games & Expansions:
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Second Edition
LOTR The Card Game – Conflict at the Carrock Adventure Pack
LOTR The Card Game – A Journey to Rhosgobel

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Just started using Gamer review page, very nice.
@Magdalicious Sorry about that… one of the big reasons we’re in beta is because of our lack of a large game database. We’ll be adding games every week, along side seeing if there is a way to speed up the process. We hope you have patience with us!
So.. is there anyway for users to upload and add games? I’m just wondering since most of my collection doesn’t appear to be in the database 🙂
Can you please add Warhammer Invasion LCG and Chaos in the Old World (my favorite game). I am feeling pain not being able to add these. Literally, I have an ache in my arm… angina!