Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

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I just received Lagoon: Land of Druids from a prior Kickstarter.
Can’t wait to try it out!
I’ve recently received Ancient World, [Redacted], and Town Center. Still waiting on TEK, which should be any day now. Oh, almost forgot: Steam Donkey arrived a few weeks back too, and jolly good it is too.
One additional game that I’m sure some folks would be interested in is the new Lords of War set. This one’s an expansion, but you can get one of the base sets through the campaign too.
It never ceases to amaze me to see so many games on KS that appeal to me. I keep wanting to think that game companies will run out of fresh and inspired new concepts (I’m glad that doesn’t happen, really, but my pessimistic side keeps expecting it to happen).
If I had the budget, I’d back the following:
Dead Drop
Monster Mansion (drooling a LOT over this one)
Bring Out Yer Dead
Drop Dead
How about Shadows of Brimstone? The core sets are two very big games that aren’t in the database.
Also, the expansions for Among the Stars recently arrived, as did Tiny Epic Kingdoms, all the TMG micro games, Dragon Slayer by Indie Boards and Cards, Bigfootses: the Card Game, The Nile Ran Red by Small Box Games (love Small Box Games!), Coup: Reformation, and Belle of the Ball.
Great job on adding all the new stuff recently!
And Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age has officially arrived, along with the Mediterranian Expansion. 🙂
I’m planning on backing Stockpile. I’ve played the prototype a few times and it’s quite the game. With the added expansions (investors and advanced side of the board), it’s replay value is quite high. My all-time favorite game is 7 Wonders because of how quickly it plays with the amount of strategy involved. Stockpile is very different from 7 Wonders, but I love it for the same reasons, it plays very quickly and yet has a lot of in-depth strategy.
I am backing Meteor. It is a long shot, but if they hit $75,000.00 you get a free copy of Dead Man’s Draw, which looked promising.
One more for Creative Clash. Yay, timely shipment! They slipped maybe a month, but that’s probably the best I’ve seen for a Kickstarter board game so far. The game’s really good lookin’, so it’ll make a good page here. The people behind it have also been really great about answering feedback and discussing house rules – I think it’ll see a lot of love.
In for:
One Night Ultimate Werewolf – Everything except the signed print.
Japanese: The Game
@Jeff W:
I received the expansion for City of Iron, Experts and Engines back in August, so that could go on the list as well.
I’m keeping a list of these, so if they don’t get added right away don’t despair. 🙂 Alien Uprising is one of them on my own list, from earlier in the summer, that I haven’t gotten around to adding yet.
@Account Deletion — I’m with you, not much new backed (last one was Compounded: The Geiger Expansion). However, it’s been a marvelous October so far. I’ve been calling it Kickstarter Harvest… and apparently this is the time of year where all of my on-time or only mildly overdue campaigns show up.
I should be getting the bundle with The Captain is Dead here shortly as well.
Should make it clear that I am looking for delivered KS campaigns (and so far that’s a pretty good list) — we cleaned up several old “Coming Soon” games that were apparently now “Coming Never” because their campaign hadn’t funded, and updated the due date on several that were now overdue.
For the first time since I joined Kickstarter I have no newly backed campaigns in the last week. Only three carry-overs: Strife: Legacy of the Eternals, Dead Drop and Folklore: The Affliction.
@Jeff W. – I’ve been avoiding submitting requests lately because my library has always been well-represented here and I didn’t want to get in the way of any of the members who claim to have most of their games missing. But since you asked directly about missing Kickstarter games, here’s my list:
Castle Dice
Coin Age
Dogs of War
Krosmaster: Frigost
Regnum Angelica (formerly Kingdom)
Ryan Smith’s CITY
Scarborough Fair
Shipwrights of the North Sea
The Captain is Dead
This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the 2-4 of Us
Till Dawn
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Also, I’m not sure if this qualifies, but other games received as rewards for Kickstarting other games include:
Plethora, Linwood, Capek, Cibola and Tanzania for backing Shipwrights
Bacchus, Igels, Modern Society, Musketeers, Oltre Mare, The Club and Warriors for backing the Through the Ages re-print.
@ Jeff W, I got a slew of KS games in the past few weeks. Those not already mentioned include: Dogs of War, Steam Donkey, Pairs, Falling, and The Captain is Dead. I’m expecting Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age and Historia to arrive soon.
Currently backing:
Vampire Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
Peptide: A Protein Building Game
Operation: F.A.U.S.T.
@Jeff W So far in the past few weeks: Creative Clash, Ruckus: The Goblin Army Game, Monolith, and TEK
The Boy received a bunch of Defenders of the Realm stuff from the Minions campaign and the post campaign stink-eyed by many Guardians Chronicles (Wave 1 – which isn’t too bad honestly). Foretold is worth a mention as it made a lot of noise around Gen Con.
I’ve received Four Tribes from a previous Kickstarter.
Alien Uprising and Coin Age
Semi-related note: if you have recently received your rewards for a Kickstarter game, and the game isn’t in the database, please make a note of it here. This might be related to future Game Updates.
For example, I received Till Dawn and Tiny Epic Kingdoms this month.