Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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Dear Raeliss – thanks so much for your support of Cauldron! Sincerely appreciated!
Adding my Aussie Flag to Cauldron‘s Backers. It looks like a gorgeous game to play!
The Assault on Doomrock expansion is up on Kickstarter with the option for a core revival. Since this game had a rather obscure birth on Indiegogo and now has moved to the big league grass roots field I recommend a looksee if you are in the market for a tongue-in-cheek, yet extremely challenging, almost puzzley in time resource management, fantasy co-op.
I have backed The King`s Abbey. Can`t wait to try it out! 😀
Allow me to +1 the Canadian Flag and mention of Cauldron
Then I’ll hasten to add: Millennium Blades Final 48!
And then I will arch an eyebrow and mention how interesting it is that May is Dusty Wasteland Motorbike Apocalypse Month on Kickstarter. Go figure. 😛
Defenders of the Last Stand is easy-peasy-lemon-pledgy for me. Defenders of the Realm on radiation and diesel? That’s a way to stave off the Pandemic sleeping sickness.
I have several games backed…but Defenders of the Last Stand is really what I’ve been wanting for some time now… Mad Max meets Defenders of the Realm…bloody fantastic! This, AND a new Mad Max movie to boot!!!!
“I’m in heaven!”
Defenders of the Last Stand is making me seriously consider ending my Kickstarter hiatus…
I’ll just continue this nice thread of Canadian flag icons in the comments section 🙂
Am super grateful to all the backers who are making Cauldron a success – we are unlocking stretch goals and welcome everyone to check it out!
Backing Swamped – cool theme, affordable price and the designer is a great member of the community.
Looked at Tides of Infamy – love the art but the price point is a bit much once you throw in the shipping.
Happy to see so many campaigns succeeding!
Am a staunch supporter of Cauldron. Thrilled it’s funded. Tides of Infamy has me intrigued. Am a sucker for pirate games but have yet to find one that (thar she) blows me away.
I have B-sieged, Cauldron and Coup: Rebellion G54 on my backer list!
Skulldug and B-Sieged for me!
Does anyone know anything about the undead: outbreak game? Sounds weird and intriguing.
Man, I’d be terrified if I went in on Click Clack Lumberjack. Mayday games has done *way* too many questionable things for me to trust they’d run a Kickstarter fulfillment in anything even close to an orderly and well managed fashion.
I’d also half expect to be ripped off even though I know they’ve produced the game before.
Automania and Samara look like they will be fun.